Just a very quick but IMPORTANT reminder! This Tuesday, September 3rd, we will be having a Base Meeting at the Alaska Regional Building. We are expecting Andy Schneider, Ron Calvin and other “guest speakers” to attend and answer questions that we have all been talking about! Some of these circle around pairings, future planned Anchorage flying, hotel issues/costs (since use of API), etc. Please plan to attend and/or send in any questions you’d like your LEC to ask, in your absence!
Following the Base Meeting is the Anchorage “Happy Hour” (also at the Alaska Regional Center). Andy Schneider is hosting this event, and she requests that anyone planning to attend RSVP online. (You can find the link on our Flight Attendant webpage at Alaskasworld.com)
This is a great opportunity for all of us to find out, firsthand, what future plans may be in the works AND to get our own specific questions answered! See you there!