Current Contract
The Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement (JCBA), which is currently in effect, may be viewed below. The JCBA was ratified by the membership on April 3, 2018, was extended in May 2021, and becomes amendable on December 17, 2022. For more information about contract negotiations, please visit the Contract 2022 website.
In addition to the JCBA, a number of additional documents help to clarify and interpret contractual language. These include:
Letters of Agreement (LOAs)
The AFA constitution & bylaws grants the Master Executive Council (MEC) the authority to enter into letters of agreement (LOAs) with management to supplement contractual language and provide additional guidance surrounding matters that were either not foreseen or could not be anticipated during contract negations. LOAs have the full force of contractual language.
Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs)
Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) provide clarification to the intent and interpretation of existing contractual language. They are binding agreements with management and are fully enforceable.
Labor Memorandums
Labor memorandums are guidance issued by the Alaska Airlines Labor Relations department to other company departments providing direction on how to interpret and apply the Flight Attendant collective bargaining agreement.
Contractual Settlement Agreements
Contractual settlement agreements are used to settle a dispute in the interpretation of contractual language. Settlement agreements are considered to be an extension of the collective bargaining agreement. Similar to LOAs and MOUs, the MEC has authority to enter into settlement agreements per the AFA Constitution & Bylaws.
Alaska Airlines & Virgin America Merger Documents
Reference Key
- AS or L-AS: Affects only pre-merger Alaska Airlines (AS) FAs
- VX or L-VX: Affects only pre-merger Virgin America (VX) FAs
- AS+VX Affects pre-merger AS FAs and pre-merger VX FAs
AFA Alaska Airlines-Virgin America Merger Agreement
AS+VX2018-2021 Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement (JCBA)
L-AS Transition Agreement 2018
VXL-VX Transition Agreement 2018
Past Contracts