Your Local Executive Council (LEC) Officers
Took Office: July 1, 2022
Term Expires: June 30, 2025
AFA Election Category III
Click here to view the certified election results

Tim Green
LEC President
Master Executive Council (MEC) Voting Member
AFA Board of Directors Member
Tim Green has been an LAX-based Flight Attendant since hired in 2003. At different times throughout his career, he has flown regularly out of LAX, BUR, and SNA. This experience has helped him gain an understanding of the unique challenges we face.
Prior to running for LEC President, Tim represented Council 18-LAX as the Local Scheduling Committee Chairperson. During that time, he became a staunch advocate for our members. That experience inspired him to become more involved and run for elected office in 2016. As LEC President Tim has never forgotten that he is a Flight Attendant first, union leader second, spending his weekends flying and sitting shoulder to shoulder with our local members. He believes our Union is strongest when everyone is informed and involved. To help facilitate that, he will ensure that AFA has a stronger, more visible presence. Tim believes in honest and open two-way communication and encourages members to reach out to AFA with their concerns.
email lax.lecp@afaalaska.org
tel (866) 423-2532 ext 701

Kelese Richardson
LEC Vice President
Kelese started her career here at Alaska Airlines in 2006. She has always been based in LAX and flew out of LAX, LGB, BUR, ONT and SNA at the beginning of her career while on reserve. Kelese became involved with AFA in 2010 because she was frustrated with how the flight attendants in LAX were being treated. With the downsizing of the base and flight attendants being furloughed and forced based to other bases. She started on the Grievance Committee and then in 2013 she became the LAX LEC Secretary. During which she assisted with organizing leafletting and protesting at LAX during contract negotiations. After her term ended in 2016, she took some time off from the union for health reasons and to plan her wedding. Kelese returned to union work in 2017 in the role of LAX Scheduling Committee Chair.
She wants to make sure flight attendants are well informed and know that our union is constantly flighting for them. Whether it’s one of the officers or someone on a committee. And she is honored that she is still fighting for our work group. Before Kelese started flying she worked in non-profit in the inner city of Los Angeles. Her educational background is in Liberal Arts. During her spare time, she enjoys spending it with her husband and daughter in Austin.
email lax.lecvp@afaalaska.org
tel (866) 423-2532 ext 702

Majo Tanco
LEC Secretary
Majo (pronounced Ma-Ho) Tanco is originally from Montevideo, Uruguay and was hired by Virgin America as a flight attendant in San Francisco in 2017.
Since joining Virgin America, Majo has become extremely interested and passionate in assisting Flight attendants. She began volunteering with the Union during our merger in 2019, where she Initially began working with our Reserve Committee, Membership and then Benefits and Leaves. She has spent the last two years as our Local Benefits and Leaves Committee Chairperson. Prior to becoming a Flight Attendant, she was a Director of Human Resources and has several years of experience between HR & Recruiting.
Majo lives in Arizona and previously lived in South Florida & Chicago, where her husband founded a software company. When she’s not flying, she spends her time traveling with her husband and family.
email lax.lecs@afaalaska.org
tel (866) 423-2532 ext 703

Bryan Wall
Council Representative
Bryan Wall has been an Alaska Airlines flight attendant since 2012 and served as Council Representative since 2016. During his time as council representative he has worked to support the base advocating for his co-workers on many items such as scheduling issues, assisting flight attendants during the Virgin America transition to Alaska, leaves, and grievance. He is passionate at his role so Alaska Airlines flight attendants in Los Angeles get the best representation possible.
Prior to Alaska Bryan was an agent for American Airlines where he was heavily involved with the organizing campaign for CWA.
email lax.cr@afaalaska.org
tel (866) 423-2532 ext 704