Your Local Executive Council (LEC) Officers
Took Office: January 1, 2023
Term Expires: December 31, 2025
AFA Election Category I
Click here to view the certified election results
LeiLauni Scheideman
LEC President
LeiLauni has been a Flight Attendant at Alaska Airlines since 2012. She began her involvement with the Union in Anchorage as a Reserve Committee Member that same year. She has volunteered on the Benefits, Communications, Reserve and Grievance Committees. Through the experience gained the last 10 years, combined with her previous work and union experience, she has learned the importance of a unified workgroup and is passionate about having that at Alaska. In this new role, she hopes to help the ANC LEC and Negotiating Committee to keep the ANC Base informed and, more importantly, involved throughout the negotiation process. One of LeiLauni’s main goals in taking on this new role would be to have a large turnout by the ANC Base to any activities or votes scheduled throughout the process ahead. She hopes to have an entire base that is passionate and involved!
LeiLauni currently splits her time between Arizona (in the Winter) and Alaska. She enjoys spending her time with her husband (Rich), fishing the Kenai, Deshka, Klutina and other rivers throughout the summer months, and traveling during the winter months. She has two grown daughters: LariAnn, also a Flight Attendant, and Jacqueline, a Senior at Central Washington University.
Heather Reier
LEC Vice President
Heather attended her first Anchorage Local Council AFA meeting in early 2016 before even flying a trip. Being a helper by nature, she immediately joined the Reserve Committee as a Reserve Buddy. This allowed her to better learn the parts of the contract that were specific to her work and to support others in the same position. When the Local Scheduling Committee Chairperson position came available in early 2019, Heather stepped in to that role as a way to better assist all of her coworkers – while still remaining a reserve buddy for new Flight Attendants. As Local Scheduling Committee Chairperson she has been able to help countless Flight Attendants with questions about legalities, pay, hotel issues, etc and has often been able to successfully advocate on other’s behalf. Heather is excited to be the Anchorage Local Executive Council Vice President as it will allow her to continue to fully serve her co-workers and expand her knowledge and expertise in all contract areas.
Heather, and her husband, Travis, have lived and raised their family in Anchorage over the past 25 years. Heather is an animal lover and has 4 dogs of her own and often has foster puppies running around. She also enjoys the outdoors (minus the mosquitos) and has recently developed a fun interest in gardening.
Annie Madsen
LEC Secretary
Annie has been a Flight Attendant for Alaska Airlines since late 2007. Based in ANC for the last 15 years, she has had the opportunity to work with some incredible people! Annie originally got involved with local AFA as Communications Chair for ANC and is excited to continue to support her coworkers as LEC Secretary. She is a former Administrative Assistant for the Alaska SeaLife Center in Seward, AK, where she supported over half of the organization’s staff.
Annie grew up in Sitka, AK, which she considers to be the closest you can get to “heaven on earth!” As a life long competitive swimmer, she has traveled all over Alaska and the west coast to compete. She coaches high swimming in the fall. Annie loves to spend time in Hawaii, in the mountains and on her Nordic Tug with her husband, two daughters and their pitbulls, Lucy and Linus.