Contract Q&A
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iPhone 13 Inflight Mobile Device Distribution
Master Executive Council (MEC) Management recently notified AFA that they plan to begin distributing new iPhone 13 Inflight Mobile Devices (IMDs) to Flight Attendants who are currently issued iPhone 7 or 8 Plus devices. Distribution will take place in one base at a time over approximately six weeks. The specific schedule will be communicated by management separately. Flight […]
Update on Open Time Back to Book
Contractual Modification Approved by Roll Call Vote By majority roll call vote, the Master Executive Council (MEC) has approved a contractual modification that will maintain the current open time trading rules inclusive of Section 12 Exchange of Sequences. This modification will remove the requirement to program back to book trading rules and the application of Section […]
AFA Update – January 30, 2020
In This Edition Novel Coronavirus Outbreak Black History Month AFA Pin Negotiating Committee Interviews Uniform Returns & Packing Materials REMINDER: Contractual Supporting Documents Managing Negativity Novel Coronavirus Outbreak Air Safety, Health, & Security Committee (ASHSC) The novel coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, in December 2019, is creating growing concern for air travel. […]
AFA Update – September 13, 2019
In This Edition Contractual Supporting Documents Reminder: New KCM Identification Requirements FAA Responds to AFA Advocacy to Move on 10 Hours Rest Implementation Contractual Supporting Documents Contract Committee When there is a disagreement or difference of opinion regarding the intent of contractual language or how a contractual provision should be applied, AFA and management work […]
AFA Update – August 30, 2019
In this edition: finding the contract on the IMD, KCM update, personal strategies for the anniversary of 9/11, MEC officer elections
AFA Alaska eJCBA 2018-2021
The Master Executive Council (MEC) is very pleased to announce the electronic version of the AFA Alaska Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement (JCBA) 2018-2021 is now available on the AFA Alaska contract page. Click here for the AFA Alaska eJCBA 2018-2021 > For those of you who wish to have a print version of the contract, […]
Commuter Boarding Priority Arbitration
On October 25, 2018, the Company and AFA arbitrated Grievance 36-99-2-29-15 (Section 28.G.6 Commuter Boarding Priority). This grievance alleged the Company’s violation of the collective bargaining agreement when management allowed Company employees (and their dependents) on pleasure travel to be given higher boarding priority than commuting Flight Attendants. AFA is very pleased to inform you […]
Updated JCBA Implementation Quick Reference Guide
The Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC) has updated this implementation quick reference guide. The list below is separated into L-AS and L-VX provisions to easily distinguish the changes for each Flight Attendant group. Pre-Merger Alaska Airlines Flight Attendants (L-AS) Provisions Retroactive to January 1, 2018 New Pay Rates. Across-the-board 4.5% increase effective at DOR and retroactive […]
[pmAS] Additional Transportation Options Between Domiciles/Co-Terminals/Out Stations
This message is for pre-merger Alaska Airlines Flight Attendants Due to several recent flight diversions and how crew member transportation was handled in those situations, AFA has worked with management to clarify what options Flight Attendants have for transportation in these situations. A memorandum of understanding (MOU) has been signed with the Company putting this […]
AFA Online Issue Reporting Is Here!
Your AFA Alaska Master Executive Council (MEC) is excited to introduce the new AFA Alaska online support center. This new system is designed for you to document and report scheduling and reserve concerns, situations where you might be facing discipline, potential contractual grievances, and any other issue where you might need AFA support. The system […]
Zika Letter of Agreement
AFA and Alaska Airlines management have entered into a letter of agreement (LOA) to facilitate eligible Flight Attendants to avoid flying to areas affected by the Zika virus. The provisions of this agreement are voluntarily available to Flight Attendants who are pregnant, attempting to become pregnant or whose partner is attempting to become pregnant. The […]
Flight Attendant Check-In App and Elimination of Scanners Sideletter of Agreement
Collective Bargaining Agreement sections modified: 8.D. [Hours of Service/Check-In and Debrief]; 24.L. [General and Miscellaneous/Company Provided Inflight Mobile Device (IMD)]; 28.I. [Domiciles/Company Provided Commuters, Printers and Scanners at Domicile(s)]; 32.C. [Attendance Policy/Attendance Policy Definitions]; and 32.E. [Attendance Policy/Control Procedure] Your AFA Master Executive Council (MEC) and Alaska Airlines management entered into a side letter of […]
Open Time Negotiations Survey – Take 2
As reported a few weeks ago on (“Open Time Negotiations Survey Suspended Due to a Technical Problem”), the Open Time negotiations survey went offline because of an unforeseen glitch. Shortly thereafter the Master Executive Council (MEC) made the decision to leave the survey down in order to address membership feedback sent to leadership (“Update […]
Side Letter of Agreement CBA §30.E. [Trainers Performing Probationary Observation Flights or Initial Operating Experiences (IOEs)]
Your AFA Alaska Master Executive Council (MEC) and Alaska Airlines management have entered into a side letter of agreement that allows qualified Flight Attendant Trainers to certify Initial Operating Experiences (IOEs) for Flight Attendant trainees. A copy of the side letter of agreement (signatures pending) can be found by clicking here. You may also […]
An Update on Printed Contracts
Contracts and Binders Available Soon After a lengthy formatting and production process, hard copy contracts have finally been published and are being shipped from the printing vendor to each base. The hard copy contracts will be distributed along with a new blue plastic contract binder (similar to your Flight Attendant Manual binder), which is currently […]
2015 Performance Based Pay
PBP is 9.3% of 2015 eligible earnings Congratulations for another generous Performance Based Pay (PBP) payout! The 2015 PBP for most employees—including flight attendants—is 9.3% of eligible earnings, which is the equivalent of nearly five weeks of pay. More information about PBP can be found on Alaska’s World at (login required). PBP […]
Date of Signing Raises on December 17, 2015!
The Master Executive Council (MEC) and your Contract Committee is excited to point out that on December 17, 2015, a date of signing raise is in effect. CBA Section 21.A., states: STEP RATES OF PAY Flight Attendants will be compensated on the basis of the appropriate step rate as follows: Step DOS DOS […]
AFA Alaska Airlines Collective Bargaining Agreement 2014-2019
Electronic Contract with Hyperlinked Citations and Index AFA and Alaska Airlines management are finally ready to publish the electronic contract with hyperlinked citations and index. We hope you will find the document much easier to use on your mobile devices compared to prior versions. Besides the link below, you can find the contract and […]
New Open Time System Delayed Another Month Until September for October
Open Time initially delayed until August for September According to the Contract Implementation Schedule, Open Time (OT) was originally scheduled for implementation in July for the August bid month. AFA Alaska received notice in June that Open Time was delayed until August 15 for the September bid month. See the communication from June 13, […]
Revised Section 21.N Stranded Pay
AFA and Alaska Airlines management have essentially re-written Stranded Pay AFA and Alaska Airlines management have essentially re-written Section 21.N Stranded Pay in addition to the Addendum to Section 21 #3 “What is Stranded Pay?”. Why? Background on why Stranded Pay needed to be revised Stranded Pay was one of the last bargaining objectives AFA […]
Update Regarding the Printed Contract, Quarterly Productivity Premium Disputes and Stranded Pay
AFA and Alaska Airlines management have resolved the last major issues holding up the publication of the contract AFA and Alaska Airlines management have tentatively resolved the various disputes regarding the Quarterly Productivity Premium (QPP) and the parties have also clarified the language in Stranded Pay (found in Section 21 Compensation) to include the new […]
Where is the Printed Contract?
What is taking so darned long? AFA is still working as quickly as possible with management to finalize the contract in preparation for publication. So what is taking so darned long? This is the first negotiations to revise and clean up the contract basically cover to cover since 1994 One challenge is that although […]
Trading of Junior Available Assignments
Unforeseen kink prohibiting automated JA trades…and a solution As of this writing there have been twelve Junior Available (JA) assignments in Seattle for “Big Game” Sunday* under the new JA rules that went into effect yesterday. There has been an unforeseen kink in the ability to automatically post and trade JA assignments. The good […]
February 2015 Contract implementation Update
What goes into effect today, Saturday, January 31, 2015? New Junior Assignment provisions If the operation requires flight attendants to be Junior Assigned, Crew Scheduling will no longer call flight attendants at home in addition to JA’ing F/As on duty. JA will move exclusively to F/As on duty only in inverse seniority order […]
Weekly Implementation Update – January 30, 2015
Second Weekly Implementation meeting this past week AFA and management are making good progress towards implementation of the new contract. Additionally, the parties continue to resolve various challenges as we continue further into the implementation process. In the past week the Alaska Airlines Information Technology (IT) department has done much work on the various […]
Quarterly Productivity Premium
21.R. Quarterly Productivity Premium A Flight Attendant will receive a Quarterly Productivity Premium (QPP) if Worked TFP during a calendar quarter exceeds the TFP equivalent of the Flight Attendant’s combined monthly PBS bid award in that calendar quarter. What is Worked TFP? Worked TFP is all paid TFP excluding vacation/PTO and sick […]
Jet Bridge Trading Information
What is the definition of a Jet Bridge Trade? A Jet Bridge Trade is a trade between Flight Attendants at the same domicile. Flight Attendants may trade or give away a sequence or a portion of a sequence at any station. The trade or giveaway may occur no earlier than three hours prior to […]
Contract Implementation Update — January 21, 2015
Weekly Implementation meeting AFA has established a weekly Implementation meeting with management to review, track and clarify issues related to implementation of the new c0ntract. The first meeting occurred yesterday—Tuesday, January 20, 2015. It was a very productive introductory meeting and AFA is pleased to report that overall everything appears to be on track […]