What is the definition of a Jet Bridge Trade?
A Jet Bridge Trade is a trade between Flight Attendants at the same domicile. Flight Attendants may trade or give away a sequence or a portion of a sequence at any station. The trade or giveaway may occur no earlier than three hours prior to departure from domestic and international flights, but no later than the commencement of boarding. SIPs are not considered a Jet Bridge Trade. See Section 5 Definitions and Section 12 Exchange of Sequences paragraph C.7.
If Flight Attendants are Jet Bridge trading how low can either FA waive their Domicile Rest (rest between sequences)?
Either Flight Attendant may contractually waive their rest down to nine hours release to report. In order to comply with CFR rest requirements, rest may be subsequently scheduled or operationally reduced to eight hours. See Section 8 Hours of Service paragraph M and the Addendum to Section 8 #13.
Why can FAs not waive their own rest down to eight hours between sequences?
14 CFR 91.1062 requires that Flight Attendants be scheduled with nine hours of rest in order to have no other scheduling restrictions for the following duty period.
If I Jet Bridge Trade, then add the portion of the Jet Bridge Trade to another sequence is that considered a Base Turn?
Yes, if the Jet Bridge Trade attaches flying on the last day of a sequence or portion of a sequence to flying on the first day of another sequence already on one’s line and combines them into the same duty period. There must be no less than one hour forty-five minutes (1:45) block to block between the last flight of the first sequence and the first flight of the second sequence. If a Jet Bridge Trade is made after the completion of a sequence and there is no additional scheduling obligation on one’s line, then it is not considered a Base Turn and only Jet Bridge Trading rules apply.
What is the maximum Base Turn duty period?
The Base Turn duty period cannot exceed fourteen hours per CFRs. See Section 8 Hours of Service paragraph T.
Why would a Jet Bridge Trade not be approved?
The trade or give-away will be granted unless doing so would cause an illegality (CFR) or delay in boarding. If the Jet Bridge Trade request is made less than one hour prior to departure, trades will be processed only if Crew Scheduling has the capacity to handle the request. The Jet Bridge Trade must be made with less than three hours to departure of the outbound flight.
If Flight Attendants complete a Jet Bridge Trade who will receive the hotel?
The inbound FA will keep the hotel, unless otherwise mutually agreed between the Flight Attendants completing the Jet Bridge Trade. Crew Scheduling and management will not get involved in disputes over hotel accommodations affected by Jet Bridge Trades.
When does the inbound FA’s per diem end and the outbound FA’s per diem begin pursuant to a Jet Bridge Trade in which a sequence is split?
The inbound FA’s per diem will start at the beginning of her/his sequence and end forty-five minutes prior to the departure of the outbound flight given away in the Jet Bridge Trade.
The outbound FA’s per diem will begin forty-five minutes prior to the departure of the outbound flight picked up in the Jet Bridge Trade and the per diem will end at release of the sequence.