Council 30 LEC Officer Election Schedule
In accordance with the Article VIII of the Constitution & Bylaws, all Councils in Category III must nominate and elect officers for the term beginning January 1, 2014 and ending December 31, 2016 (three year term). Local Council Officers to be elected will be LEC President, LEC Vice President, and LEC Secretary.
Election Schedule:
Mail date: 9-20-2013 (Voting Instructions and Activation Code mailed)
Polls open: 9-24-2013 (Voting begins online and by telephone)
Polls close: 12:00 PST (Noon) 10-25-2013 (Election ballots are tallied)
Step-by-step instructions for both the nomination and election process can be found on the AFA-CWA Election website: along with the Category III Election schedule, AFA-CWA Election Handbook, Commitment to Serve form and frequently asked questions.
There were not enough nominations for a candidate to be placed on the ballot for the LEC Secretary position, you must write in your candidate of choice. When voting online, click on the magnifying glass and type in your candidate’s last name.
Several Anchorage Flight Attendants had reported not receiving their nomination ballots sent
from AFA-CWA in August. If you have not received your election ballot, which was mailed September 20, 2013, please contact Bon Kenia, AFA International Office Member Services at: immediately.