New “Pass” or “Fly” features go into effect at 2pm Pacific Time today
Good news for Reserves! AFA and Alaska Airlines management have agreed to improve the Reserve order of assignment preferences, specifically “Pass” or “Fly.” The Alaska Information Technology (IT) department was also able to expedite a change to the Low Time First Assigned (LTFA) list, so the LTFA has already been revised as of earlier today. The improved “Pass” or “Fly” features will go into effect when Crew Scheduling pulls the LTFA list around 2pm Pacific Time today for the purposes of assigning Reserves for tomorrow. That’s right—at 2pm PT today! We apologize for the extremely short notice.
During the course of contract formatting, clarification and implementation discussions, it became apparent that Reserves and at times Crew Scheduling were confused about the LTFA. They were confused regarding the hierarchy of the new preferences, how the preferences interacted with each other and how those interactions affected the order of assignment. Most Reserves noticed several changes to the format of the LTFA list over the past few months as the parties made adjustments to get it “just right.” While those adjustments were occurring, some Reserves even brought forward concerns about order of assignment violations based on their reading of contractual language. Any confusion about the Reserve LTFA should be minimized going forward.
LTFA list
The LTFA list is generated based on call type (AM/PM/ER) and days of availability (1-6). The LTFA list has already been altered to have Pass or Fly at the beginning of the preferences, then Night Flying then 4k (then LAX co-term if applicable) with TFP at the end of the list. At the beginning of the month (everybody at 0 TFP), all Fly are listed in seniority order then all Pass in inverse seniority order – no change. Unequal TFP is listed in LTFA order (low time first) – no change. Lineholder opt out is listed at the end of each call type and days of availability in inverse seniority order – no change.
Improved Order of Assignment
Beginning around 2pm PT today, Reserve order of assignment will be as follows:
Crew Scheduling will assign by moving down the list in LTFA order (or in FLY/PASS order when TFP is 0 or equal) within the appropriate call type and days of availability. The first legal Reserve that has a FLY preference will be assigned. If applicable, Crew Scheduling will assign to the first legal Reserve that has a FLY preference and the appropriate matching sub preference (e.g. 4k, Night Flying or LAX co-term). If no such Reserve exists, Crew Scheduling will then move back to the top of the list within those days of availability and call type and repeat the process in order to assign the trip to the first legal Reserve that has a PASS preference and matching sub-preference (e.g. 4k, Night Flying or LAX co-term), if applicable. Lineholder opt out’s will be assigned after all legal Reserves with a PASS preference within the same call type and days of availability have been assigned.
All sub-preferences are assigned based on the following hierarchy: Night Flying then 4k then LAX co-term.
Essentially, the only change is that the PASS or FLY preference is being given more “power” over the other preferences.
Contractual language
Here is the contractual language that you will find in the finalized version of the printed contract. AFA and management are getting very close to moving to the next step in the process in preparation to get this document published as soon as possible.
11 – Reserve
E. Order of Assignment
3. Low Time First Available (LTFA):
Within each reserve classification and days of availability, the LTFA list will be ordered with Reserves with the least amount of TFP flown or credited as a Reserve in the bid month (low time) //.
a. “Low time” means the Reserve, within each classification and days of availability, with the lowest amount of TFP flown or credited to date as a Reserve, in the current bid month.
b. To balance flying among Reserves, by default the Reserve with the lowest time will receive the highest-time assignment from the available assignments that are within her/his Reserve classification and days of availability at the time of assignment. The order or assignment will be altered by the preferences listed in E.2., above, and assigned according to E.4., below.
c. When more than one (1) Reserve returns to domicile on the same day and is legal for an assignment, the Reserve with the least amount of TFP flown or credited, as a Reserve in the bid month, will be used first.
4. Assignment of Open Sequences/Assignments
Crew Scheduling will generate the Reserve Assignment List (LTFA) and will assign Reserves who have not already self-assigned within the same classification (AM/PM/ER) and with the same number of days of availability in the following order:
a. Among Flight Attendants with equal TFP flown or credited in the bid month:
- Flight Attendants who have preferenced “Fly” (default preference) in seniority order (most senior first); then
- Flight Attendants who have preferenced “Pass” in inverse seniority order (most junior first).
b. Among Flight Attendants with unequal TFP flown or credited in the bid month:
- Flight Attendants who have preferenced “Fly” (default preference) in LTFA order; then
- Flight Attendants who have preferenced “Pass” in LTFA order.
c. Within “Fly” / “Pass” preferences in the following order:
- Night Flying
- 4k
- LAX co-term
d. Lineholders who have picked up Reserve day(s) and who have not opted into the LTFA, listed in inverse seniority order (11.H.3.d. [Exchange of Days…]) within the same classification (AM/PM/ER) and with the same number of days of availability.
* * *
Many thanks to Alaska Airlines management and to Crew Scheduling for accommodating this improvement for our Reserves!
Questions? Contact your local AFA officers or your local Reserve committee members.
In solidarity,
Your MEC—Jeffrey Peterson, Brian Palmer, Yvette Gesch, Becky Strachan, Laura Masserant, Cathy Gwynn, Sandra Morrow and Stephen Couckuyt; and MEC Reserve chairperson Jarod McNeill