Friday’s communication misstated an important fact
Soon after sending the “Payroll Error Results in a Signing Bonus of $3000 for Steps 15 and 16” communication on Friday, the Master Executive Council (MEC) became aware that the post misstated an important fact. The communication indicated that flight attendants do not have the right to file an individual contractual grievance. That statement is incorrect.
An individual flight attendant may file a contractual grievance on her/his own behalf
Under Section 19 of the contract, an individual flight attendant may file a contractual grievance on her/his own behalf. However, the MEC is the only appropriate legal body to file a contractual grievance on behalf of all Flight Attendants. When an individual contractual grievance is filed, AFA is not legally obligated to represent the flight attendant with respect to that grievance. In other words a flight attendant can file an individual grievance but only on her/his own behalf—not on behalf of a group of flight attendants. S/he would then be responsible for taking the grievance through the contractual steps.
An individual contractual grievance must be filed within 30 business days of the infraction in accordance with Section 19.B of the contract. Additional questions regarding filing can be directed to MEC Grievance Chairperson Jennifer Wise MacColl at
It is important all flight attendants understand their contractual rights
The MEC understands there is a difference of opinion regarding the appropriate remedy to the overpayment of the signing bonus. Regardless of our differences, it is important that all Flight Attendants have a clear understanding of their contractual rights.
AFA apologizes for the error and any confusion it may have caused.
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In solidarity,
Your MEC—Jeffrey Peterson, Brian Palmer, Yvette Gesch, Becky Strachan, Laura Masserant, Cathy Gwynn, Sandra Morrow and Stephen Couckuyt; MEC Grievance Chairperson Jennifer Wise MacColl; and AFA Senior Staff Attorney Kimberley Chaput