Dear Flight Attendants,
The term for our current Master Executive Council (MEC) Officers ends December 31, 2013. In accordance with our Constitution and Bylaws, we will be holding interviews for MEC President, MEC Vice-President and MEC Secretary-Treasurer at our MEC meeting on November 19-20, 2013. The interviews will take place in Seattle. The new term will run from January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2016.
Resumes may be faxed or emailed to our Secretary-Treasurer Yvette Gesch at: 206-246-4752 or Resumes must be submitted by Friday November 15, 2013. Yvette will contact you to schedule your interview.
If you are interested in serving and have additional questions, please fell free to ask any MEC or LEC Officer. The officers’ contact information can be found online at All officers of the MEC must be active and in good standing.
MEC President Responsibilities
The President shall be the official union spokesperson and chief executive officer for the Flight Attendants at Alaska Airlines as the representative to management and shall therefore have the authority and duty to:
- Be responsible for and charged with administering the policies of that Master Executive Council, and implementing the objectives and policies announced by the Board of Directors and Executive Board.
- Be responsible for the expeditious processing of members’ complaints and grievances.
- Be available to attend various meeting with Alaska management in Seattle, Washington.
- Be available to travel to attend meetings with members and management in other domiciles, MEC meetings as well as other meetings required of the Association, such as the annual meetings of the AFA-CWA Executive Board and the AFA-CWA Board of Directors meetings.
- Steer committees at the request of the MEC.
- Be a member of the Negotiating Committee.
- Be a member of the Executive Board.
- Be granted the privilege of the floor at all meetings of the Board of Directors, but shall have no vote, if not also a Local Council President.
- Be responsible for and supervise the business and managerial functions of the Union at Alaska Airlines.
- Consult with and be assisted by the Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer.
- Ballot the MEC if necessary or when required.
- Keep a current and accurate inventory of all Union property and supplies purchased or provided by the Union and submit a copy of this to the International Secretary-Treasurer of the Union.
- Maintain the Union’s files and property, and then transfer them to his/her successor promptly.
MEC Vice President Responsibilities
The Vice President shall:
- Function under the jurisdiction of the President in carrying out the policies and directives of the MEC.
- Perform the duties of the President at his/her request or in the absence of the President.
- Be granted the privilege of the floor at all MEC and Board of Directors meetings, but shall have no vote if not also a Local Council President.
- Steer MEC Committees and inform the MEC Secretary-Treasurer of upcoming meetings for calendaring.
- Be responsible for obtaining a monthly written report from each of the MEC Committee Chairs and providing these reports to the MEC Secretary-Treasurer for submission with the monthly MEC agenda.
- Attend monthly MEC meetings; quarterly Labor Leader meetings with the company; quarterly Labor Coalition meetings; and annual AFA-CWA Board of Directors meetings.
MEC Secretary Treasurer Responsibilities
The Secretary-Treasurer shall:
- Assist the President in administering MEC funds
- Maintain MEC records and perform such other duties that may be specifically assigned to the Secretary-Treasurer by the President or Acting President.
- Be responsible to the President and MEC.
- Oversee membership information and records. Receive monthly membership reports from Alaska and send copies to AFA International.
- Be responsible for the general record keeping and accounting of the MEC budget and any funds, including but not limited to:
· Monthly submission of MEC flight pay loss to the company
· Monthly reconciliation of Union Business flight pay loss
· Monthly submission of all Union Business to AFA International
· Review and approve expense reports
· Monthly reconciliation of budget and expense reports
- Provide a quarterly statement on expenditures to the MEC.
- Solicit monthly agenda items from the MEC for the monthly MEC meetings
- Create a monthly meeting schedule and agenda
- Provide overnight accommodations and meal arrangements for MEC officers
- Reserve meeting rooms as necessary
- Schedule conference calls
- Take minutes at each monthly MEC meeting and provide approved copy of the minutes to the MEC, MEC Committee Chairs, and the International Secretary-Treasurer
- Be granted the privilege of the floor at all meeting of the Board of Directors, but shall have no vote, if not also a Local Council President.
- Attend monthly MEC meetings; quarterly Labor Leader meetings with the company; quarterly Labor Coalition meetings; and annual AFA-CWA Board of Directors meetings.
In solidarity,
The Associations of Flight Attendants-CWA, Alaska Airlines