Dear Flight Attendants,
Be advised that probationary Flight Attendants are absolutely welcome and encouraged to wear the new RED AFA pin. The RED AFA pin is our official union pin at Alaska Airlines so there is no need to wear the white pin. Alaska Airlines management has confirmed the right by all Flight Attendants—including probationary F/As—to wear the RED AFA pin. Even very recently, AFA was distributing the white AFA pins to probationary F/As during Initial Training and instructing them to not wear the RED AFA pins. We apologize for the confusion!
Probationary Flight Attendants are completely covered by the Collective Bargaining Agreement in all ways except the right to utilize the grievance process. Probationary F/As are technically allowed to participate in solidarity actions as allowed under the Railway Labor Act (RLA). However, the Master Executive Council (MEC) believes our newest Flight Attendants can best support the negotiations process by wearing their RED AFA pin, familiarizing themselves with the Contract and most importantly focusing on successfully completing probation.
In the meantime the MEC invites probationary Flight Attendants to stay informed by attending union meetings. More RED AFA pins have been ordered and are on their way! Contact one of your Mobilization Committee chairpersons for more information:
In solidarity,
Your MEC—Jeffrey Peterson, Brian Palmer, Yvette Gesch, Becky Strachan, Laura Masserant, Cathy Gwynn, Sandra Morrow and Stephen Couckuyt