April 10, 2013
Dear Flight Attendants,
The Master Executive Council (MEC) is writing to inform you that the law firm of Emerson Poynter LLP is representing several Alaska Airlines Flight Attendants who have brought suit against TwinHill. The legal action is against TwinHill only and not against Alaska Airlines. Be advised that the Association of Flight Attendants is providing this information as a courtesy to our members and that we are not in any way endorsing the terms of representation, the law firm or the attorneys involved, or the merits of the pending litigation.
If you believe that you have been harmed by the TwinHill uniform, you may wish to contact Emerson Poynter as soon as possible. AFA has been informed that the statute of limitations for filing a suit may be quickly approaching depending on the individual’s state of residence (especially California) and particular circumstances. For some Flight Attendants, the window of opportunity could be closing early next week.
If you need more information, contact the law firm of Emerson Poynter. You will find contact information, terms of representation and other content at http://www.flightuniformlitigation.com.
On a separate note, the MEC is updating our “uniform reaction database” with recent survey information and will be sharing this data with the membership in the coming days.
In solidarity,
Your MEC – Jeffrey Peterson, Terry Taylor, Yvette Gesch, Melanie Buker, Laura Masserant, Cathy Gwynn and Sandra Morrow
“Five Bases, One Voice”