The Master Executive Council (MEC) has learned upcoming paychecks may not be viewable in Peoplesoft due to some problem in payroll. So far management assures us that paychecks will be paid on time but they are working to confirm the details.
Unfortunately, rather than learning about this from management the MEC has received our intelligence from line flight attendants who flew with pilots who received text messages from the Company yesterday alerting them of the problem. For what it’s worth we believe the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA), the union representing the Alaska Airlines pilots, was not informed either. The text message allegedly indicated the problem affected pilots and flight attendants. We do not know why only some pilots were informed and the flight attendants were not. We also do not know why it took until today to confirm the issue.
AFA is extremely disappointed in the lack of communication by Alaska Airlines management with the flight attendants and the union representing them. That being said, we will continue to seek updates from management and AFA is advocating that management produce timely information as soon as possible.
In solidarity,
Your MEC—Jeffrey Peterson, Brian Palmer, Yvette Gesch, Becky Strachan, Laura Masserant, Cathy Gwynn, Sandra Morrow and Stephen Couckuyt