As part of a strategy to improve critical staffing, AFA and Alaska Airlines management have agreed to remove the limitation on the number of out of domicile pick-ups allowed for each Flight Attendant on all sequences that report in the remainder of the December 2014 bid month. The waiver also extends to all Voluntary Junior Available (VJA) and Premium VJA sequences. Because eMaestro will not process more than two out of domicile pick-ups in a bid month, such trades will need to be handled manually by Crew Scheduling.
The relevant contract language that is temporarily negated is 12.H. of the 2006/2010 Contract: “Flight Attendants are limited to two (2) out-of-domicile pick-ups in a bid month.” The relevant language temporarily negated in the 2014 Contract is also 12.H.: “Flight Attendants are limited to a combined total of two (2) out-of-domicile pick-ups (including charters) in a bid month.”
This temporary agreement is effective at midnight Pacific Time on Sunday, December 21, 2014, and will remain in force through the end of the December 2014 bid month.
In solidarity,
Your MEC—Jeffrey Peterson, Brian Palmer, Yvette Gesch, Becky Strachan, Laura Masserant, Cathy Gwynn, Sandra Morrow and Stephen Couckuyt