Congress is set to start voting on Fast Track Legislation soon. Our congressional representatives need to hear from you! Fast Track paves the way for the biggest trade deal ever – the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP), negotiated in secret, with the rules of the deal written by multinational corporations and investors. We can expect the same results as we’ve seen with NAFTA and similar so-called Free Trade Agreements. We need trade agreements that improve the lives of workers here and in the countries with whom we trade. Please take these two steps right now:
- Send an email to your congressional representative:
- Call (855) 712-8441 to be patched through from the AFL-CIO to your congressional representative.
It only takes a couple of minutes and could mean the difference between a vote that helps our jobs or harms them!
In Solidarity,
Your MEC – Jeffrey Peterson, Brian Palmer, Yvette Gesch, Becky Strachan, Laura Masserant, Cathy Gwynn, Sandra Morrow, Stephen Couckuyt and MEC Government Affairs Chairperson Bev Bullock
This is a message from your AFA Alaska Government Affairs Committee. For more information about Fast Track, the Trans Pacific Partnership, or how to take action, contact your Local Government Affairs Committee Chairperson. You can also visit or check out a short video (just over 2-½ minutes) at