Master Executive Council (MEC)
- Our AFA Alaska Master Executive Council (MEC) met this week on Tuesday, August 8 and Wednesday, August 9, to conduct their ongoing work to represent our Flight Attendants.
- The MEC was scheduled to meet with management to discuss issues affecting our work group, but the meeting was canceled by our MEC due to a lack of availability by many key management participants.
- The next Regular MEC Meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 18 and Tuesday, September 19.
The August 2023 Regular MEC Meeting was held this week on Tuesday, August 8 and Wednesday, August 9. The meeting consisted of updates from our MEC Officers, LEC Presidents, Grievance Committee, and Scheduling Committee. Our MEC also reviewed written reports submitted by other AFA MEC Committee Chairpersons about their current programs of work.
Mobilization and Solidarity Activities
A large part of the meeting focused on discussing mobilization efforts for the upcoming Day of Solidarity informational picketing on August 15. Progress updates were given on logistics and planning for the events.
Meeting with Management Canceled
During most regular MEC meetings, we meet with management to review the challenges faced by Flight Attendants. Unfortunately, many key management participants were unavailable or did not respond to the meeting invitation from AFA this month. As a result, our MEC canceled the meeting as it would not have been productive without key decision-makers present to discuss concerns and work toward solutions.
If you have any questions about this month’s Regular MEC Meeting, please get in touch with your LEC President.