Master Executive Council (MEC)
- Our AFA Alaska Master Executive Council (MEC) met this week on Wednesday, December 6, to conduct their ongoing work to represent our Flight Attendants.
- The MEC’s quarterly meeting with executive management and a group of union leaders from other company workgroups was postponed due to the merger announcement and other scheduling conflicts.
- The next Regular MEC Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 9, and Wednesday, January 10.
The December 2023 Regular MEC Meeting was held this week on Wednesday, December 6. The meeting consisted of updates from our MEC Officers, LEC Presidents, Grievance Committee, and Scheduling Committee. Our MEC also reviewed written reports submitted by other AFA MEC Committee Chairpersons about their current programs of work.
Meeting with Management Delayed
In conjunction with this meeting, our MEC was supposed to meet with company executive management and a group of union leaders representing the other workgroups. These meetings, usually held once every quarter, provide an opportunity to receive updates from management and engage in a broader discussion of issues and concerns that impact all employees within the company. However, due to the recent merger announcement and other scheduling conflicts, management postponed the meeting until next week.
Contract Negotiations and Mobilization
Our MEC had a highly productive meeting with AFA Senior Staff Negotiator Paula Mastrangelo regarding the recent Alaska-Hawaiian merger announcement, the status of negotiations and mediation, and upcoming mobilization activities. We are more than ready for our upcoming Day of Solidarity informational picketing, and our Negotiating Committee is counting on us to show up and join the picket lines with full force. Let’s send an unwavering message to management that we are strong, united, and fiercely committed to fighting for the contractual pay and work rule improvements we have rightfully earned.
If you have any questions about this month’s Regular MEC Meeting, please get in touch with your LEC President.