Master Executive Council (MEC)
- The February 2024 Regular MEC Meeting was held last week on Wednesday, February 14.
- Our MEC debriefed on the successful Worldwide Flight Attendant Day of Action, which received extensive media coverage and brought our fight further into the public eye.
- The strike vote results were reviewed, where 99.48% of Flight Attendants voted in favor of authorizing a strike. Thank you to our Mobilization Volunteers for their hard work and contribution to achieving this outcome!
Our AFA Alaska Master Executive Council (MEC) held its regular meeting for February 2024 on Wednesday, February 14. These meetings, required under the AFA Constitution & Bylaws, provide an important opportunity for the MEC to discuss and address issues and concerns affecting our Union and Members at the airline level. Your directly elected LEC President (or their designee) attends these meetings as your representative and votes on your behalf when decisions need to be made.
During the meeting, the MEC received updates from the MEC Officers, LEC Presidents, Grievance Committee, and Scheduling Committee. Additionally, the MEC reviewed written reports submitted by other AFA MEC Committee Chairpersons detailing their current work and activities.
Worldwide Flight Attendant Day of Action
Our MEC debriefed the previous day’s Worldwide Flight Attendant Day of Action informational picketing events. The events were wildly successful, with incredible participation by Alaska Flight Attendants at all six bases (including the SNA and ONT co-terminals) and several other participating airports around the country. Coupled with the announcement of our strike vote results, we gained significant local and national media coverage, bringing our fight further into the public eye. Read more about the Worldwide Flight Attendant Day of Action, including a summary of media coverage, by clicking here.
Strike Vote Results & Mobilization Volunteer Thank You
Our MEC reviewed the results of our strike vote, where a resounding 99.48% of Flight Attendants voted in favor of authorizing a strike! This overwhelming mandate is a major milestone in our ongoing battle for an industry-leading agreement, and it empowers AFA leadership to request a release from the National Mediation Board if management fails to agree to significant improvements at the negotiating table. Thank you to everyone who voted and made their voices heard!
Additionally, our MEC would also like to express our heartfelt gratitude for the unwavering dedication and hard work of our Mobilization Volunteers. Their tireless efforts in encouraging and helping Flight Attendants to vote were critical to the success of our strike vote. From sharing voting information and resources, answering questions, joining airport outreach sits and terminal walks, and assisting with the text messaging campaign, they truly made a difference in achieving the incredible voter turnout. We are stronger together because of their commitment to our collective voice. A special thank you to all our Mobilization Volunteers!
Contract Now Lanyards
Last week at the Worldwide Flight Attendant Day of Action picketing events, we introduced bright red AFA Contract Now lanyards to bring even more visibility to our fight for an industry-leading contract. A supply of lanyards has been provided to Mobilization Volunteers and others for distribution. Flight Attendants can expect to see Mobilization Volunteers at the airport in our six bases at varying times to hand out lanyards. Look for additional information from your Local Council about when and where to find Mobilization Volunteers with lanyards. As a reminder, if you face any attempt from management to interfere with our ability to wear a Union lanyard, report it immediately using the Management Interference Report form.
Contract Negotiations/Mediation
Our MEC was updated on the negotiation session that took place the previous week with the mediator assigned by the National Mediation Board (NMB). The update included a discussion about negotiation logistics and upcoming scheduling. You can find more information about the session here.
If you have any questions about this month’s Regular MEC Meeting, please get in touch with your LEC President.