Dear Flight Attendants,
Your Master Executive Council (MEC) interviewed for the second round Negotiating Committee on April 17th and 18th at the AFA Alaska office in Seattle, WA. The MEC was joined by Council 39 Vice President-elect Steven Maller in addition to Council 39 President Cathy Gwynn. Since the Council 39 Portland presidency is in a run-off election for the next term of office, Steven is the highest confirmed officer-elect at present. Although not required by the AFA Constitution and Bylaws (C&B), Cathy extended the invitation for Steven to attend and provide input for Council 39. Council 18 LAX Vice President Kelly Johnson sat in as Local Executive Council (LEC) President Sandra Morrow’s designee on behalf of Council 18. Sandra Morrow was unavailable because she is at home expecting her first set of grandchildren any moment–twins, in fact!
As a reminder, under the AFA C&B the voting members of the MEC are the LEC presidents (LECPs) or their designees in accordance with the C&B. As the directly-elected representatives of membership, the LECPs are guided by the will of their membership. The MEC executive officers (president, vice president and secretary-treasurer) provide recommendations but do not have a vote except in the case of a tie amongst the LECPs, in which case the MEC president may break the tie.
The following candidates applied for the positions: Karina Cameron-Fetters, Christina Frees, Jake Jones, Kenny Kasel, Lisa Pinkston, Kristy Stratton, Bryan Wall and Erik Velez. There were many factors to consider in the decision-making process, including but not limited to membership feedback, previous experience, specific skills, demographics (i.e. seniority, domicile, etc.) and how individual personalities would affect the committee’s “chemistry.”
After much discussion, the MEC unanimously arrived at the same appointments. Keep in mind that per Article VII.C.2.a.(5) of the AFA C&B, the MEC president is automatically a member of the Negotiating Committee by virtue of holding the office.Your MEC is pleased to announce your second round Negotiating Committee:
- MEC President Jeffrey Peterson
- Kristy Stratton*, social media coordinator
- Lisa Pinkston
- Jake Jones
- Christina Frees
* The second round Negotiating Committee will not have an alternate like the first round committee. The MEC petitioned AFA-CWA International President Veda Shook for an additional committee member per Section VI.A.1.c of the C&B. Veda has verbally approved the request and given permission to communicate regarding the fourth member of the committee, Kristy Stratton.
The MEC recognizes the power that social media had on the previous Tentative Agreement. Kristy will be present as an additional set of eyes throughout the process. An agenda item in regard to social media is an agenda item for the upcoming AFA-CWA Board of Directors meeting next week. Following the BOD, the MEC will communicate a formal social media policy and Kristy will be working with us to maximize the power of social media in the second round negotiations.
There is much work to be done and the second round Negotiating Committee will be hitting the ground running in the coming weeks. However, let’s take a moment to recognize the invaluable contributions of the first round Negotiating Committee. The MEC sincerely thanks Brian Tracy, Karina Cameron-Fetters and Jake Jones for their years of dedication and personal sacrifice. They built a solid foundation with their own blood, sweat and tears; that effort will not be forgotten!
The follow up negotiations survey will begin this coming week and the initial second round mediation session is scheduled for the week of May 12th in Tempe, AZ. A separate introduction to the second round Negotiating Committee will follow.
In solidarity,
Your MEC – Jeffrey Peterson, Brian Palmer, Yvette Gesch, Becky Strachan, Laura Masserant, Cathy Gwynn and Sandra Morrow