Master Executive Council (MEC)
- Our AFA Alaska Master Executive Council (MEC) met this week on Monday, September 18, and Tuesday, September 19, to conduct their ongoing work to represent our Flight Attendants.
- The MEC also met with executive management and a group of union leaders from other company workgroups to receive updates and discuss concerns affecting employees company-wide.
- The next Regular MEC Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 10, and Wednesday, October 11.
The September 2023 Regular MEC Meeting was held this week on Monday, September 18, and Tuesday, September 19. The meeting consisted of updates from our MEC Officers, LEC Presidents, Grievance Committee, and Scheduling Committee. Our MEC also reviewed written reports submitted by other AFA MEC Committee Chairpersons about their current programs of work.
Meeting with Management
As part of this meeting, the MEC met with company executive management and a group of union leaders from the other union-represented workgroups within the company. The intent of these meetings, usually held once per quarter, is to receive updates from management and allow for a broader discussion of issues and concerns facing all company employees. Several members of management who usually attend these meetings were missing as they were involved in negotiations that were taking place simultaneously.
Like the June meeting, our MEC arrived at the meeting with a full display of solidarity, dressed in red with red AFA pins. Their message to management and the group was straightforward: management’s efforts must focus on delivering a contract that includes real, meaningful work rule improvements and industry-leading pay increases. Our mobilization activities have demonstrated that we are united, and Flight Attendants demand a contract NOW!
Meeting With Negotiating Committee
On Tuesday, our MEC met with our Negotiating Committee and MEC Mobilization Committee Chairperson to review our Red Hot Summer campaign and discuss future mobilization activities. Our Pop-Up Pickets and Day of Solidarity informational picketing were hugely successful, and management has definitely taken notice. But these events were just the beginning. Our Mobilization Committee is working on more activities, and we will only get louder from here. More to come!
Action on Agenda Items
The MEC took action on one agenda item that was submitted in advance of the meeting.
- An extension to a current letter of agreement (LOA) providing additional pay for Flight Attendants in Requalification Level III status who are required to attend Initial Training class outside of the contractual hours outlined in Section 30.A.2 of the contract was approved. The additional pay also applies to Flight Attendant Instructors who are required to teach outside of the hours in Section 30.A.2 as well. The extension will remain in effect through the end of 2025.
If you have any questions about this month’s Regular MEC Meeting, please get in touch with your LEC President.