Your pay increases exceed your insurance increase. These examples are based on insurance increasing at the max cap of 15% year over year. Which indicate worst case scenario. The pay increases are based on 80 tfp credit for the month and do not include reserve or longevity premiums, “A” pay, per diem, 401k, etc… If you want to compare using 40 tfp, you would cut the pay increase line in half. The insurance increase is the same.
All charts below:
- Based on FA having 80 TFP/month inclusive of vacation and SL
- The Pay Increase is based on Step Rates only and does not include Reserve Premium, Longevity Premium, “A” Pay, Per Diem, 401k, etc
New Hire (DOH) Monthly Pay Increase versus Monthly Insurance Increase
Step 7 Monthly Pay Increase versus Monthly Insurance Increase
Step 15 Monthly Pay Increase versus Monthly Insurance Increase
Step 17 Monthly Pay Increase versus Monthly Insurance Increase