A 4K pairing operates similar to a charter with the exception that it includes cities that are regularly scheduled routes. NO LINE HOLDER IS EVER FORCED TO FLY ONE THROUGH BIDDING, SECONDARY LINE GENERATION (UNSTACKING), REASSIGNMENT OR JA!
The sequence can contain ONLY 2 legs that combined CAN NOT exceed 4,000 statute miles (2,000 out and 2,000 back – max – and not ground miles). Additionally there is a maximum ground time of seventy minutes (:70). The East Coast, Florida, New Orleans, Atlanta, Hawaii, Puerto Vallarta and many other destinations are not included using SEA as the start point.
How can you figure out the 2,000 mile range from your home domicile? You can go to www.gpsvisualizer.com/calcuators to input your home domicile. Go to Draw Range Rings around a point (It’s about 5 spots down). Input your 3 letter domicile code (e.g. SEA), enter 3218.7km, choose google maps. Once the map comes, use the drop down to choose the top google map option, not the hybrid. This will show you city names on the map. You can then zoom in.
If the vacancy exists before 3 hours from departure, Crew Scheduling must place the sequence in OT for pickup. Reserves will be able to preference 4k’s on the LTFA list. If they have made a preference to fly them they will not be able to pass on the assignment and if the assignment is within 3 hours they will not get the premium. In the event a vacancy exists within 3 hours of departure a reserve who has chosen not to preference 4k pairings may be forced to fly one BUT will be paid 1.5times TFP for the entire trip and will be given the same duty rest as a line holder upon return to base (11:30 compared to 9 today).
In runs done by Crew Planning today, these sequences only represent roughly 5% of all of our total pairings system wide for an example month of January. 10% of those 5% will be spread to other bases within multi-day trips. The same no forcing rules apply. The 10% is a minimum and Crew Planning anticipates more based on aircraft movement through the system. Based on the 4,ooo statute mile limit, a duty day can not be scheduled for more then 11:40 min but most averaged between 10:40-11:00. These pairings will be very high time.
Crew Scheduling will have a huge liability if they put more out for bids then what bidding can sustain because they will be dropped into OT and DO NOT count towards the closing day threshold. They can offer them in Premium OT for line holders or they will be forced to burn their reserve coverage with a premium. AGAIN no line holder will ever be forced to fly one if they don’t choose to. Crew planning is not required to build these pairings and will only build what can be sustained in the bidding process based on how our work group chooses to or not to bid for them.
Section 8 contains our work rules including the 10:30 duty day. Nothing was changed in our work rules. This is a scheduling option just as charters are today. It is in the scheduling section for that very reason. You waive no work rules by flying a 4k pairing. You are accepting a duty day over 10:30 but if it exceeds 12:30 due to delay or some other issue you will be due all of the work rule provisions in regards to pay and rest. If during the bidding process, you preference or bid for a 4k pairing, you WILL NOT be waiving your 10:30 duty day for anything else.
We will be posting all Contract Language for 4k pairings by the end of today! This way you can read the language in its entirety.