SAN Roadshow Q&A Afternoon Session
Section 3 – Scope
Q: Why did we not hold onto the provision of requiring management to ask AFA for approval?
A: This was an objective of management’s bargaining unit. Additionally, the NC had objectives as well and overall we had address the top priorities of both parties in reaching an agreement for your consideration. This specific proposal was a requirement bundled with the pay rates.
Q: Other airlines have seat protection flying for mainline, were we able to achieve a scope protection with seat limitations on aircraft?
A: No, there is no scope protection based on seat limitations.
Section 8 – Hours of Service
No questions
Section 9 – Junior Availability and Premium Open Time
Q: When will you have ability to place JA trip into OT, is that part of implementation?
A: This is right away.
Q: Does premium OT go into effect immediately?
A: Yes, the ability to pick up Premium OT will happen immediately.
Q: Can you trade a JA as a Jet Bridge trade?
A: Yes.
Section 10 – Scheduling
Q: What is the requirement for the rotation? Build one DTW turn? Put all 10% in one base?
A: There has to be quality of rotation. This was discussed at the table. The distribution flows more naturally to rotate amongst the domiciles.
Section 11 – Reserve
Q: If I have a 4k preference in LTFA will they skip to meet my preference in a trip becomes available?
A: Yes, Crew Scheduling may skip to meet a 4k preference.
Q: If I am a lineholder and pick up two reserve days may I be converted to ER?
A: Yes
Section 12 – Exchange of Sequences
Q: If I pick up a trip from another FA and dump that trip into OT, does that count towards my 40 TFP net?
A: Yes
Q: If I am dumping a trip into OT, do all the days have to be open?
A: No, only the day of departure must be open to drop the trip.
Q: Can Crew Scheduling pull trips from the Bulletin Board?
A: Yes, they may pull trips. See Section 12.D.
Section 14 – Vacation
No questions
Section 16 – Sick Leave and On the Job Injury
Q: Does it have to be a continuous block for sick leave makeup?
A: No. If you called in sick 4 days and sat 2, 2 day blocks that would be accepted.
Q: Is there point mitigation for sick leave make up?
A: No. This program is strictly for restoration of sick leave. Points will not be adjusted for sick leave make up.
Section 21 – Compensation
Q: If I was awarded 78 TFP, 28 TFP of which is vacation, do I need to work an additional 28 TFP over the quarter to meet the requirement of the QPP?
A: Yes
Q: Why does the QPP not look at the base line average?
A: The NC went back and forth on the applications, but ultimately you are setting the bar by your personal bid award. FAs who receive a bid award less than the average would have been harmed. If you need assistance with bidding, there is the option of bid groups and members of the PBS Committee are able to assist you in adjusting your bidding habits.
Q: If I was out for 3 years and didn’t move up the pay scale will I be made whole?
A: Yes, your pay scale will be reflective of your years of service as an Alaska Airlines Flight Attendant.
Section 22 – Expenses
Q: The 50% off of purchasing food during a duty period, why didn’t we negotiate those items at cost?
A: The discount is roughly equal to the cost of the items. The NC reviewed the cost and revenue of these items.
Section 23 – Insurance
No questions
Section 27 – General Association
No questions
Section 32 – Attendance Policy
Q: If you take a medical leave how long am I covered?
A: Up to 4 years I am covered for a personal medical leave.
Q: Is medical leave or workers’ compensation run concurrent with my 12 weeks of FMLA?
A: Yes, leaves are run concurrent. However, taking a personal medical leave is a protection provided to our Flight Attendants.
Q: Is FMLA calendar year or rolling 12 months?
A: Rolling 12 months.
Q: Do bank points once accrued fall off?
A: No, bank points remain available to you and don’t have an expiration date.
Random Q & A:
Q: Is reserve self-assignment something they can do manually until implementation?
A: No.
Q: Are there penalties for not meeting the implementation schedule.
A: No, however AFA will file a grievance if the implementation schedule is not met.
Q: Why did you sign off on this agreement?
A: When we were negotiating in Chicago, mediator threatened to pull dates. Controversial provisions were introduced or discussed in last two days of negotiations. Our challenge at the time and today is that negotiations under the RLA is different then in the past. They are not releasing carriers at this time. All carriers are in load factors of 80% or better. There is no other carrier that can replace Alaska Airlines in our markets. We would not be released by NMB because of our route structure and effect on commerce per their guidelines.
Q: How close would we be to the American Airlines FAs in voting down a TA and going to binding arbitration?
A: Not close at all, they had a provision to go to Binding Arbitration. We won’t be going to arbitration.
Q: Could we go back to the table without the mediator?
A: Yes, if both AFA and Company agreed. But AFA does not believe management will agree to meeting without NMB.
Q: Is there growth in other domiciles?
A: Main focus is Seattle. They are not afraid to enter into other markets if profitable. Conservative.