SAN Road Q&A 12/11/14
Section 3 – Scope
Q: If they fly they are only the extra?
A: Yes, unless in a cancellation.
Q: Management flyers are not replacing reserves?
A: Correct.
Q: Could a supervisor come on as an extra under this program and conduct a check ride or IOE while acting as an extra?
A: No. IOE, Checkrides and Management Flying are all separate functions and must be performed as such. The supervisor/manager will disclose which function they are performing.
Section 8 – Hours of Service
Q: If one person on the crew calls to adjust the 15 min debrief it applies to everyone on the pairing?
A: Yes
Q: What if there is a benefit one way and not the other between two Flight Attendants?
A: Go with what actually took place, if debrief was extended, call and extend.
Q: Could you fly a 4k from West Coast to Hawaii?
A: No. In addition, if a base was opened in Hawaii you could not fly 4k turns to West Coast.
Q: Can our debrief be adjusted to long lines or waits in Customs and Immigration?
A: No.
Section 9 – Junior Availability and Premium OT
Q: If there is a JA out of order both the Flight Attendant who was JA’d and the FA who should have been JA’d will be paid?
A: Yes. The FA who was JA’d out of order and flew will receive 2.5x plus additional .5 penalty for total of 3.0x. The FA who should have been JA’d will receive 2.5x pay protection. The financial penalty for JA out of order is significant.
Q: Does the 118.2 tfp protection and minimum days apply to avoiding JA?
A: Yes.
Q: If I am JA’d the day prior and subsequently flying is picked up on the limited day and reopens the day could I drop the trip if I have not already dropped my 40 TFP?
A: Yes
Section 10 – Scheduling
No questions
Section 11 – Reserve
No questions
Section 12 – Exchange of Sequences
Q: When the trial is at the 12 month expiration date how is it decided if it remains in effect?
A: If neither party terminates the OT trial during the 12 month period it will become the new system. During the trial period parties must agree to change thresholds prior to any cancellation of the program. If cancelled, then parties will negotiate a new OT system
Section 14 – Vacation
Q: In TA 2, if I have worked TFP below 240 for the calendar year I am no longer entitled to my unpaid vacation days?
A: That is correct. In the current contract if you do not meet the 480 requirement you receive the vacation days, but without pay, considering you met the 1/12th requirements as well.
Section 16 – Sick Leave and On the Job Injury
Q: Does sick leave make up mitigate points?
A: No.
Q: Is there an order to requiring sick leave make up before JA’ing or Premium OT?
A: There is no contractual requirement, but that would be the practical application.
Section 21 – Compensation
Q: Does calling in sick make you immediately ineligible do qualify for QPP?
A: No. Sick Leave and Vacation do not count towards meeting the payout, however you have ability to fly or sit reserve in addition to your sick leave and vacation to meet the requirements. Practically some may find it easier during vacation to just pick up a sequence to offset the actual dollar amount of the bonus. Example is quarter 3 is $1000 paid for QPP but if you have 5 weeks of vacation during that quarter you would be required to fly 140 TFP additional to qualify, therefore if you wanted an extra $1000 you could pick up TFP equaling 19.5 TFP paid at $51.50 a TFP equals $1004.25. The practical application would tell you to enjoy your vacation and pick up a trip or trips equaling 19.5TFP. This example is only using the top of scale and 5 weeks paid vacation. This would vary person to person. It is really a time value of money when taking into consideration.
Section 22 – Expenses
No questions
Section 23 – Insurance
Q: Do the 480 provisions take effect for those on a medical leave immediately?
A: Yes, the 480 provisions are based on a calendar year. If you are coordinating sick leave you will receive this benefit of the look back to assist in meeting the 480 calendar year requirements. This is a benefit not afforded to our FAs today.
Section 27 – General Association
No questions
Section 32 – Attendance Policy
Q: Can I take a medical leave for less than 14 days?
A: Yes, you can take a medical leave for any number of days. Many Flight Attendants have taken 3 day leaves of absence. There are no points associated with a medical leave, a medical leave can be back dated, taking a medical leave does not preclude you from record improvement under TA2. If you need assistance taking a medical leave there is a medical leave handbook and AFA representatives available to assist you with any type of leave.
Q: Who will oversee some of the implementation of the OT?
A: AFA Scheduling Chair. If this TA is passed this individual will be additionally tasked with overseeing implementation of scheduling and OT.
Q: Who does the NMB protect?
A: Our passengers, they ensure transportation and capacity requirements are met and that essential service is provided.