Dear Flight Attendants,
In the past week the Negotiation Committee has been overwhelmed with the turnouts at the Road Shows! You are coming prepared and you have offered us your feedback on many sections of the TA, but most importantly the 480 accruals as they apply to Sick Leave and Vacation.
In the TA you will find that there is a 12-month “Look Back” for sick leave accruals. What does this mean?
1. Sick Leave Accrual is based on a 12-month “Look Back” and a Flight Attendant must have earned TFP (exclusive of sick leave) and credit from vacation that totals 480 in the previous 12 months.
2. Vacation Accrual is also based on a “Worked” 480 TFP in the calendar year (exclusive of sick leave and vacation).
Based on concerns that FAs have lost 2 months to properly prepare for these changes the Negotiation Committee and management collaboratively worked together to create a fair implementation schedule of the Sick Leave and Vacation accruals.
If the TA is accepted by the membership on February 14th the following 2014 sick leave and vacation accrual formulas will apply:
Sick Leave
The 480 12-month look back for SL accrual will begin with March 2014 and will
look back on a pro-rated basis adding months as we go. Remember, sick leave accruals are based on worked TFP, Vacation, and Minimum Pay Rules.
For example:
April 1st “Look Back” You are doing a look back to March 2014 and add your worked TFP, Vacation and Minimum Pay Rules and multiply by 12;
Example: In March calculated 40 TFP (worked TFP, vacation, and Minimum Pay Rules)
40×12=480. You will have your sick leave accrual for April 2014.
May 1st “Look Back” You will look back to March 2014 and multiply calculated TFP x 6 and look back to April 2014 and multiply calculated TFP x 6 and add those totals.
Example: March calculated TFP, Sick Leave, and Minimum Pay Rules is 40 TFP
40×6= 240
April calculated TFP, Sick Leave, and Minimum Pay Rules is 40 TFP
240+240=480. You have reached the 480 credit for using sick leave in May.
June 1st “Look Back” You will look back to March, April, and May and multiply calculated TFP by 4:
March calculated TFP=40 April calculated TFP=40 May calculated TFP=40
40×4=160 40×4=160 40×4=160
160+160+160= 480
You have reached the 480 credit for sick leave use in June.
If the new sick leave accrual policy is not in place by June, you will continue to calculate your accruals by reducing the multiplier.
July 1, 2014 you will calculate March, April, May and June totals and multiply by 3.
August 1, 2914 you will calculate April, May, June, and July totals by 2.
We will use this pro-rated method until you have a full 12 month look back.
2015 Vacation Accrual Schedule
2015 Vacation accrual calendar year starts March 1, 2014 and runs to December 31, 2014. Assuming 40 TFP worked per month this means you need to have 400 TFP worked (including Minimum Pay Rules) in order to receive the full accrual and pay for the 2015 vacation.
2016 Vacation Accrual Schedule
Accruals earned in 2015 for use in 2016 will be the first year requiring 480 worked TFP per the Tentative Agreement.
In solidarity,
Your Negotiating Committee — MEC President Jeffrey Peterson, Brian Tracy, Karina Cameron-Fetters, Jake Jones and AFA Senior Staff Negotiator Paula Mastrangelo