Roadshow FAQ #2
Q. Is it normal to clarify language in a TA after it is presented to the Membership?
A. Yes. Once the provisions are reviewed by many parties in various forums (e.g. AFA leaders, Flight Attendants on social media, roadshow participants and workplace discussions), questions inevitably come to light that may not have been anticipated by the parties in negotiations. Clarifications are sought in those instances to answer these “what if…” questions. It is a robust and healthy exercise that ultimately results in much-improved contract language.
Q. If I have already voted can I change my vote?
A. Yes, the last vote recorded will be what is counted.
Q. When do the polls close on February 14th?
A. The polls close at 12:00pm (noon) Pacific Time on February 14th.
Section 12 Exchange of Sequences
Q. Will FA to FA trading begin at the same time as the Quartile System?
A. Yes each individual’s FA to FA trading will open when that individual’s Quartile opens.
Section 14 Vacation
Q. Does the 960 tfp requirement for the extra week of Vacation (Longevity PTO) for those who have completed 25 years of service as an Alaska Airlines Flight Attendant include vacation and sick leave?
A. Yes, see definition of ‘Flown TFP’ in Section 5 Definitions of the TA.
Section 21 Compensation
Q. Will all the current pairings remain the same after the new Minimum Pay Rules are in place?
A. The goal of Minimum Pay Rules is to require pairings to become more efficient or pay a penalty for remaining inefficient. For example the minimum pay rules will either pay us for long sit times or cause the pairing to have lower sit times. The pairing optimizer program is designed to minimize soft time such as Minimum Pay Rules but the optimizer will not be able to completely get rid of them. It is not possible to predict with any degree of certainty which pairings will or will not be affected.
Section 32 Attendance Policy
Q. Does use of the Quarterly Point Reduction Form have a quarterly flying requirement?
A. No there isn’t a quarterly flying requirement to use the Quarterly Point Reduction Form. However the form cannot be used for any Single Continuous Occurrence (SCO) that touches one of the four paid holiday blackout dates (New Year’s Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas).
Q. If I call sick on-line while on a multi-day sequence, do I need to have departed (“wheels up”) after the first leg following the layover on each day or just the very first leg of my sequence?
A. Sick on-line requires that you call in sick following wheels up of the first leg of your sequence. Everything thereafter is considered a sick on-line just like in the current contract.