Association of Flight Attendants-CWA
Mutual Respect Policy
As Stated in the Compilation of Actions
Thirty-Fourth Board of Directors Meeting
October 16-18, 2007
Phoenix, Arizona
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the AFA-CWA Official Policy will be as follows:
Mutual Respect Policy
The Association of Flight Attendants-CWA is opposed to any discrimination based on age, color, disability, gender identity and gender expression.
Among trade unionists there is a very high degree of appreciation of the need to respect the dignity of every individual. Nevertheless in all organizations there should be vigilance to ensure that all participants feel they are able to operate in an atmosphere in which they feel comfortable and safe.
AFA-CWA is committed to creating and maintaining a working environment based on dignity and mutual respect. AFA-CWA will neither condone nor tolerate behavior that undermines the dignity or self-esteem of any individual or creates an intimidating, hostile, abusive or offensive environment. This commitment applies to all officers, members, and staff in AFA-CWA work places, meetings, activities and social gatherings whenever they may take place around the world.
As an employer, the AFA-CWA has a legal as well as moral responsibility to protect its employees from any form of harassment, abuse or similarly unacceptable behavior. This applies to the working environment in all AFA-CWA offices and to AFA-CWA meetings wherever they are held.
What is unacceptable behavior?
Unacceptable behavior includes unwelcome physical, verbal or nonverbal conduct including the use of electronic communication and any behavior that ridicules, intimidates, or is physically abusive or disruptive.
This may have as its focus such things as:
- Race, ethnic origin, nationality, and skin color
- Gender and sexual orientation
- Disabilities or sensory impairments
- Age, health, or physical characteristics
- Religious or political beliefs
This may involve such forms of unwanted behavior as:
- Unwanted physical contact and/or advances
- Physical or sexual assault
- Sexual or compromising propositions
- Racists, sexist or religious jokes
- Offensive language, insults and obscene gestures
- Unwelcome gifts
- Intrusion by pestering or stalking
These lists are not all-inclusive.
Guidelines – AFA Mutual Respect Policy
AFA-CWA is committed to creating and maintaining a working environment based on dignity and mutual respect. This should apply to meetings, socializing and all the events around AFA-CWA activities.
What we ask of you
- To treat everybody, including all AFA-CWA members, leaders and activists, as well as AFA-CWA staff members and meeting guests, with respect and dignity.
- To make absolutely sure your own behavior does not cause offense or misunderstanding and be open to comments from others that you may have caused offense.
- To think before you make personal remarks.
- To accept responsibility for challenging all forms of unacceptable and offensive behavior, and for upholding personal dignity.
Leadership Responsibility
It is the responsibility of the senior AFA officer or representative at a Union meeting or event to:
- Lead by example, setting a proper tone and maintaining an appropriate level of decorum for the meeting or event.
- Bring violations of this policy to the attention of the person(s) involved and ask them to cease and desist or to leave the meeting or event.
We welcome your cooperation in our practical efforts for making AFA-CWA meetings, activities and work places a positive experience for everyone.