Dear San Diego Flight Attendants:
For those of you who are new to the AFA-CWA structure, our Constitution and Bylaws mandate that the Board of Directors convene once a year to conduct union business. Brice and I will be attending the Board of Directors meeting from April 27th through 30th in Las Vegas, Nevada.
The Constitution and Bylaws also require all councils to bring forward the agenda items to their members. You will have the opportunity to review and discuss each agenda item at a union meeting with the LEC officers. We have scheduled our LEC meeting on April 16 from 1 to 3 PM in the Shipley Media Center, located in terminal two, at the San Diego airport.
As your LEC President, I vote on your behalf on these agenda items and the budget. In order to best represent you, it is imperative that your LEC Officers have your feedback when placing these votes.
To review all agenda items please click on the link below. If you cannot attend the meeting, but would like to discuss any of the agenda items, please feel free to contact me.
For a full index of agenda items visit
In solidarity,
Stephen Couckuyt
AFA SAN Council 15 President
760-641-5664 (cell)