In This Edition
- Solidarity
- LAX Pop-Up Event
- Workplace Wellness
- Spotlight on the Contract
- Parking
- Best Practices
- CBT Reminder
- Attendance Reports
- Local Council Meeting
- Hispanic Heritage Month
- AFA International HRE Committee
- Communications Committee
- Membership Dues
What Truly Is Solidarity and Why Is It Important?
We often hear the term solidarity, but what does this truly mean and why is it important? A dictionary can easily guide us to the meaning of a word, but what is a word without the feeling and essence of wisdom behind it. Packed tightly within this one word is woven our unity, our livelihoods, each other, our joint career path, our unification…as one collective force.
All for one and one for all as they say which so aptly applies, as throughout each chapter of our careers, we all will collectively encounter similar challenges and triumphs as safety professionals. Our union then embodies each one of us, all together working toward the better good…for those of today and for those of tomorrow. We march on in unison, to fight the good fight. To stand proud. To stand unified. To stand in…solidarity.
We stand as one voice to be reckoned with, improvements always to be sought, our long -fought protections to stay intact. Together we stand, together we can achieve…all within the sincerest form of the word…solidarity. We are AFA strong.
Surprise Pop-Up Picket in LAX
Much gratitude to the LAX base with help of our SAN base; they flawlessly conducted a surprise informational pop-up picket on September 13th. Picketing was done outside the Ritz-Carlton in Marina Del Rey whereby our CEO hosted a community reception. The success of this picket can be attributed to our fellow proud union members in LAX and SAN along with their elected leadership. This event had no leak of chatter prior on social media making it a surprise indeed and was planned in just a week’s time with resounding success.
Many thanks to the collaborative and dedicated efforts of the organizing LEC LAX President, Tim Martinez Green, LAX Mobilization Chair Samantha Wolff, SAN LEC President Brice McGee, as well as other duly elected leadership in attendance including our own SEA LEC President, Paula Isla-McGill.
There is such irony in a company event being hosted at a luxury high-end hotel such as the Ritz-Carlton, while our own frontline staff is treated less than monetarily in the face of massive inflation and a 9-year-old contract. All of this in stark contrast within the vast disparity of our CEO’s total compensation package of 6 million plus in 2022.
May equity be brought to us, the flight attendants, the face of the airline, as a collective we repeatedly and continuously bring a remarkable and safe experience onboard. We repeatedly bring our passengers back to fly with unwavering loyalty as we aid tremendously in making the airline lucrative. Industry leading contract now, let’s keep the pressure on…
View the Facebook post by the MEC at:
Workplace Wellness
Our career path is a symphony of rich experiences in one another and all we meet along the way. At times, we may find ourselves in need of refilling our own cup with constant travels, time changes and the occasional challenges we all can face onboard. Be kind to yourself. Practice self-care. Take the extra time to rest and to let all else go for the time being.
Studies show that simply 10 minutes of meditation a day helps calm and enhance relaxation with increased clarity, all translating to lower levels of emotional and physical stress. Or perhaps walking, as you meander through the many cities as you release all else. Any form of movement is a tremendous way to practice self-care, but if it is simply doing something just for you to enhance a calmer mind, then this is a form of helping fill your cup. Rest is always paramount, too.
We live in a fast-paced world and our job is no exception, continual flights with the traveling public, keeping on top of items and planning forward…practicing self-care will only help the everyday nuances with an effervescent fresh spirit.
If you ever feel you need additional assistance with any life matters; know that the EAP is there for you in complete confidentiality. EAP is a union-based peer to peer assistance program with many assets for your continued well-being along your path.
Spotlight On the Contract
Knowledge is wisdom and with that being aware and well-versed of one’s contract is of vast importance. As always, be sure to familiarize yourself with all of your contractual rights. Questions? Be sure to reach out to your Union officers and relevant Committee members for clarification.
There has been an uptick in Reassignments (Section 10.R) and Precancellations (Section 10.S). Please familiarize yourself with CBA Section 10.R and 10.S in its entirety.
AFA Scheduling has helpful resources to assist you on the AFA website, under Committee Resources. Below are helpful flow chart links:
- Reassignment Flowchart (Pay):
- Reassignment Flowchart:
- Precancellation Flowchart:
- Irregular Operations Quick Reference:
October 3rd additionally provides a great opportunity to come prepared with any questions on flow charts at our membership meeting on October 3rd, whereby chairpersons will be on hand to answer questions.
Parking Reminder
As all have experienced, parking in the NEPL has become quite challenging and at times, frustrating. We encourage you to utilize the 30-minute grace period agreed to by management. As long as you scan into the NEPL by 30 minutes prior to your scheduled report, your late points will be removed if you are unable to check in on time.
The more we are able to report and utilize the 30-minute grace period, the better picture management will have regarding how insufficient our parking and port transportation is to get us to work in a reasonable amount of time. Our time is valuable and 30 minutes is certainly a good amount of time to already give before starting our work day. Thank you for your cooperation, please utilize the policy if needed.
Helpful Tidbits and Best Practices for Screenshots (for proof)
At times, we encounter delays and at times, we have all seen where not nearly enough ground time was allotted between our delayed flight and subsequent flights. We often think to ourselves that the new ground times are quite low and quite frankly unrealistic. At times, a delayed flight is not adjusted at all to reflect a proper delay between a current flight and the next. Please take screenshots and be sure to send them to AFA if this happens to you.
Speaking of screenshots; here’s a running list we’d highly encourage to be mindful of for capturing screenshots.
- Every scheduled trip prior to the start of a trip.
- Crew Access trip images after each segment.
- During delays.
- Call logs with crew scheduling.
- Check in times.
- Published roster prior to each trip.
- The LTFA prior to 10:00am each day.
- Prior to block. Intermittent screenshots. Immediately after being assigned a trip.
- All open time trips prior to 2:00pm every day. If those trips aren’t assigned to a reserve by 6:00pm, those trips need to be back in OT. If withheld, file a ticket.
When we come together and document, any potential attempt at circumventing our contractual rights becomes highlighted. Screenshots simply help document our respective scenarios.
CBT Reminder
Do not forget to complete your CBT by the September 30 deadline. It is important to remember if you do not complete the required training, the discipline is progressive. If you are already in steps of discipline, failure to complete your CBT will move you up the steps, up to and including discharge. If you encounter any technical issues, please contact the ITS Help desk. To verify your CBT is complete, check that your Cornerstone transcript lists under “Completed” and check your email for a confirmation.
Don’t forget, you get 1TFP for completing the CBT, and it will count towards your PPP bonus.
Attendance Reports
Do you regularly check your attendance report? If not, make sure to do so and check for accuracy. Login to Crew Access, Reports, Attendance Report, Generate. Make sure to check that everything on there is accurate. If you are calling out sick, do not forget to fill out a point reduction form prior to the end of your next sequence (32.D). To find the form, visit the FA Website, Administration, Performance, New Point Reduction Form. Make sure to fill out accurately and put the date that the trip or reserve block you are calling out for started on. Please remember, the point reduction form cannot be used for short sick calls. If you find an issue with your attendance report, you can bring it to the attention of your performance supervisor. Please remember, anytime you have a conversation with management, you can request a Council #19 representative to be present on the call with you. If they can’t and/or wont assist, fill out a ticket at
Local Council Meeting Announcement
Please save the date for our Local Council Meeting that will take place in October. We hope to see a lot of Seattle members at the event, so mark your calendar!
Date: October 3, 2023
Time: 1:00PM – 4:00PM
Location: Earhart Room at the International Plaza (same building as 13 Coins) across from the airport.
Come get updates and meet with your Local Officers and Committee Chairpersons. We will be available to answer your questions and give updates on current issues. Parking is free in two areas. There is parking out front that is free for a few hours, or park in the rear. If you park in the rear, please make sure to bring your parking ticket with you to the meeting so we can validate it for you.
You can view the agenda for the meeting by CLICKING HERE.
If you will be attending the meeting, please REGISTER HERE.
Hispanic Heritage Month
Hispanic Heritage Month officially started on September 15th and runs through October 15th. Make sure to wear your Hispanic Heritage AFA pins with pride. If you need one, there is a supply available in the Seattle Inflight Office, just ask a supervisor.
AFA International HRE Committee
The AFA Human Rights and Equity Committee is committed to providing the broadest possible representation of our members regardless of age, disability, marital status, national origin, ethnicity, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity and gender expression. We honor and celebrate the shared humanity of the members in our care. We shall at all times endeavor to promote the principles of tolerance, fairness, equity, justice, respect and inclusion within our Union. It is only when we all work together we can tear down the walls of division and create a progressive culture that values social & economic justice for all working people.
You will find the latest HRE Committee Newsletter below:
Communications Committee Update, Looking Toward the Future
Our Communications Committee Chair and new members are delighted to be working together to provide you with the latest. Our focus is on engagement and relaying pertinent topics, to you, our proud SEA Council 19 members. Keep an eye out on our newsletters; in addition, if you are on Facebook, be sure to join our SEA Council 19 Facebook page. Feel free to utilize our Facebook platform with your questions and thoughts.
Additionally, we are developing a SEA Council 19 Tik Tok as well as a new Instagram. These are simply additional ways to keep informed. We’re excited to be bringing new platforms of communication to you via social media platforms. Yet, if you’re not on social media, that’s okay, be sure to have your email address on file and with that you’ll receive our latest, too.
Most importantly, never forgetting, you are the union…each and every one of you. We are only as strong as we are together. Stay engaged, stay in unity, stay informed.
Membership Dues
We will be planning solidarity events in the near future, so it is important to make sure that you are up to date on your membership dues. Also, please remember that when a tentative agreement is reached with the company, you have to be up to date in order to vote! If you have questions about your dues status, please reach out to our Council #19 Secretary, Adam Clarey at
Find Us on Social Media
You can find the most up to date information on our Council #19 Facebook Group. Click below to join our group and stay connected. Also, our communication team is researching other social media platforms, more information will come soon!