Dear Seattle Flight Attendants,
The desire to funnel our communication platform to our AFA Facebook page and AFA negotiation blog is in effect this weekend. Because many of you may not have received the previous Council 19 Update dated November 8 due to problems with our blast email system and the Comcast email platform, I wanted to take a minute to repost my LEC President statement for those who may not have received it:
Along with the TA Summary email the LEC Presidents released a memo stating their reasons for the stance on the TA. The LEC Presidents of ANC, PDX, SAN and I voted “yes” to send the TA out for your consideration, but we did not take a stance on how you should vote. You may be wondering why we are taking this position now; versus the “Yes” stance we took with TA1. Well, the answer is simple: We do not believe it is our responsibility to tell you how to vote.
After TA1 failed I personally promised many of you that I would not vote to send out a TA the second time unless I believed it would meet or exceed your expectations. I truly believe that this TA meets, and in many cases, exceeds your expectations for pay and quality of life issues. The negotiating committee did an amazing job of regaining many of the provisions that were lost in TA1 and gained incredible pay increases across the pay scale.
Why do I not support encouraging you to vote YES? Again, I believe that YOU have to consider this TA and vote according to your individual circumstances. I was elected to represent your best interests and I believe that I am doing this by affording the ability to make you own informed decision.
In solidarity,
Council 19 LEC President, Laura Masserant