Come Join Us on May 8th in Seattle!
Hello Seattle Flight Attendants!
Many of you have expressed a desire to show your solidarity for the upcoming Alaska Airlines shareholders meeting on May 8th. Because the shareholder’s meeting is held in Anchorage, AK this year your LEC Officers would like to offer you a chance to “don your blue AFA t-shirt” and show your solidarity here in Seattle.
We need volunteers to be available between 5am and 11am on this day. If you are interested in participating in the Seattle solidarity event please meet us in the food court in the Sea-Tac airport between these times and we will assign you your post!
The Anchorage base is holding an informational picketing event for this event this year which will mirror the event Seattle hosted last year. Remember, we are not allowed to use pass privileges to fly to Anchorage and participate in an informational picketing event, but we can definitely show our solidarity here in Seattle!
If you have any questions please reach out to any of your Council 19 Officers!
We hope to see you there-
Laura, Jake, Linda, and Tonnette