Master Executive Council (MEC)
- Our AFA Alaska Master Executive Council (MEC) met this week from Tuesday, January 4 through Thursday, January 6 to conduct their ongoing work to represent our Flight Attendants.
- As part of the meeting, the MEC met with members of inflight, labor relations, and executive management to discuss issues and concerns that are facing our work group and need to be addressed.
- The last two days of the meeting were spent interviewing candidates for the three Negotiating Committee Member positions. The MEC selected several candidates to advance to the final interviews to be held on Wednesday, January 26.
The January 2022 Regular MEC Meeting was held this week from Tuesday, January 4 through Thursday, January 6. The first day of the meeting consisted of updates provided by our MEC Officers, LEC Presidents, Grievance Committee, and Scheduling Committee. Our MEC also reviewed written reports submitted by other AFA MEC Committee Chairpersons about their current programs of work.
Meeting with Management
As part of most Regular MEC Meetings, our MEC meets with management to review current issues and challenges that Flight Attendants are facing. Attendees from management this month included EVP & COO Constance von Muehlen, Managing Director of Inflight Operations Michaela Littman, Managing Director of Inflight Strategy & Support Gloria Chow, Vice President of Labor Relations Jenny Wetzel, Managing Director of Labor Relations Carmen Williams, and other management employees from inflight, labor relations, crew administration, and payroll.
Some of the topics that were discussed include:
- December 2021 Pacific Northwest snowstorm, the subsequent operational meltdown, and the significant impact it had on Flight Attendants. Management needs to do better.
- Winter holiday incentive pay and what steps management is taking to ensure that Flight Attendants will be paid correctly on January 20th.
- Open inflight management positions and what progress the company is making to fill them.
- COVID-19 policies and contact tracing protocols. Flight Attendants are reporting that they are not being notified of reported exposure in a timely manner.
- Ongoing hotel & transportation issues including reports of Flight Attendants having to transport to/from hotels alone at destinations outside of the US and Canada.
- Recurrent Training concerns including why it took so long to notify F/As that the written exam had been removed from the CBT and returned to an in-class activity, acceptable deviations in drill commands, and how evaluations of equipment preflight are conducted.
Negotiating Committee Interviews
Wednesday and Thursday were spent interviewing candidates for the three Negotiating Committee Member positions who will represent us at the bargaining table during upcoming contract negotiations. Our MEC would like to thank all of the candidates who expressed a willingness to serve and interviewed for the positions. After conducting interviews and reviewing all candidates, several were selected to participate in a final interview with the MEC. We’ll have more information to provide after the final interviews on Wednesday, January 26.
If you have any questions about this month’s Regular MEC Meeting, please reach out to your LEC President.