ANC Roadshow Q&A 12/4/14
Section 3 – Scope
Q: Is there a cap on frequency of managers flying?
A: We did ask for a cap, but were unsuccessful in agreeing on a provision.
Q: Managers who are FAA certified as Flight Attendants, how do they qualify for the jump seats?
A: Date of hire. This is current practice. However, most managers/supervisors take passenger seats in lieu of jumpseating.
Section 8 – Hours of Service
Q: So on the 15 minutes debrief if Crew Scheduling wanted to JA me and sent an ACARS while on duty do I have to make contact and accept the JA even if past the 15 minutes?
A: Yes. If you receive an ACARS while on duty you must make contact.
Section 9 – Junior Availability and Premium OT
Q: If you call to adjust your debrief could you be JA’d?
A: No, if you are calling past your debrief to have the debrief adjusted you are not eligible for JA.
Q: Is there a process today for JA when calling scheduling?
A: Yes. If you initiate a call to scheduling they must make a separate call to JA you if the initial call was not in relation to a JA. This same application would remain in effect in this agreement as well.
Q: If I am JA’d and call in sick for myself, my child or qualified family member do I receive points?
A: No, this is the same application as today (medical documentation required)
Q: How will JA trips be coded with a premium?
A: We are not exactly sure but they are considering $ to show 1.5, $$ to show 2.0, $$$ to show 2.5. There is intent to put indicators but not exactly sure at this point until implementation.
Section 10 – Scheduling
Q: Is there a duty rest requirement for 4k pairings?
A: Yes, Scheduled minimum is 10 hours on RON, same as pairings built at 10 hours and 30 minutes.
Q: Could management fly a 4k?
A: Yes. As an extra or in lieu of a cancellation.
Q: What happens if the 70 minutes scheduled between a 4k duty period is subsequently extended due to unforeseen circumstances?
A: As long as the pairing is built and scheduled with 70 minutes or less ground time they meet the contractual requirement. Over duty premiums, delay pay, stranded pay, sit pay premium and other provisions will apply.
Q: If I go over duty of 12 hours and 30 minutes on a 4k pairing do the over duty provisions apply?
A: Yes. All over duty provisions are applied equally for 4k and 10 hours and 30 minutes.
Q: Are turns going away, I read this on a blog post?
A: No. Turns are not going away. The reference to the PDX Roadshow Q&A 12/3/14 afternoon session was specifically in reference to 4k single duty period turns. The route structure does not allow at this time for ANC, LAX, SAN to participate in 4k single duty period turns except for in multiday sequences. ANC, LAX, SAN will see 4k duty periods in multi-day pairings until there is a change to the route structure.
Section 11 – Reserve
Q: If I pick up a single reserve day does it convert to ER?
A: Yes
Q: With APSB is there a maximum of 4 per bid month?
A: Yes
Q: If on APSB could I be assigned a 4k pairing?
A: Yes. If you are under 3 hours prior to departure or two hours before check in of the sequence, however you may not exceed your duty reschedule limitations of a total 12 hours and 30 minutes, unless after rescheduled receiving a subsequent delay. If you exceed a duty day of 12 hours and 30 minutes while on APSB you will be entitled to the full double out rest upon return to your domicile. Today APSB reserves only receive double out rest on the time over 12 hours and 30 minutes.
Section 12 – Exchange of Sequences
Q: Why wouldn’t the Company after 12 months just say we are going back to the old way?
A: If either party calls off the trial we go back to book and begin negotiating a new OT system. Both parties have a vested interest in an OT system that works.
Q: What binding language is in the OT trial?
A: There is provision to adjust system be either party backs away. Actual language preventing them from cancelling OT trial is only after the 12 months, not during the trial.
Q: If I bid 4 day trips worth 30 TFP could I dump in OT those trips?
A: You can dump 40 TFP net. If you wanted to drop two 4 day trips worth 30 TFP, then you would need to pull out 20 TFP from OT. 60 TFP dumped – 40 TFP net maximum requires 20 TFP pick up from OT.
Q: If reserves are self assigning does that reopen the day?
A: No. When self assignment period starts no more TO codes can be created for that specific day.
Q: What is the time limit for dropping a trip in OT without picking something up?
A: The day prior at 10AM for the subsequent days flying.
Section 14 – Vacation
Q: Is vacation included in the 960 TFP application to receive 7 days of PTO for those with 25 YOS or more?
A: Yes. Vacation is counted towards the 960 provision.
Section 16 – Sick Leave and On the Job Injury
Q: If I call in sick for 3 day worth 15 TFP then subsequently use sick leave make up to restore my sick leave. Do I then get paid per diem and Reserve premium on the sick leave make up flying?
A: Yes. You are paid per diem and reserve premium.
Q: If I have no sick leave can I use sick leave make up to fund my sick leave bank?
A: No. You must have used sick leave in order to restore your sick leave bank utilizing the sick leave make up provisions.
Q: Does sick leave make up count towards the QPP?
A: Only the excess of your restoration. If you called in sick for 15 tfp trip, utilized sick leave make up and flew 18 tfp, 3 tfp (the excess) would count towards the QPP.
Q: If 15 of us wanted to participate on the same days if sick leave make up would it be first come first serve?
A: Yes. There is no requirement for all participants to be issued days. It will be at the limitation requirements and participation.
Section 21 – Compensation
Q: Did we ask to have our length of scale reduced? Other airlines top out around 12 or 13 years.
A: Yes. We were able to reduce the top of scale from 17 steps down to 15 steps. If you look at Steps 11, 12, 13 you will notice there are increases that ensure you are in 2nd/3rd position in the industry where other carriers are topping out. Our scale then continues to exceed and maintain 2nd position rates in the industry surpassing other carriers.
Q: Why didn’t we achieve reduction of more steps rates?
A: It is very expensive to reduce and collapse the scale from 17 steps to 12 steps. However, we did ask for more steps to be reduced but were successful in only achieving a reduction of 2 steps at top of scale.
Q: Will the minimum pay rules including ADPG and sit time be included towards my QPP?
A: Yes.
Q: When are minimum pay rules implemented?
A: May, 2015. However, for the sit pay you can file an activity claim starting on date of signing.
Section 22 – Expenses
No questions.
Section 23 – Insurance
Q: Do I get my 1.333 TFP credit if on an unpaid leave, just like the current agreement?
A: Yes. See Section 15.N. for unpaid leaves.
Q: How far will the look back go for the 480 provisions?
A: Until a full 12 bid months are captured.
Q: What is the longest period I can be on a medical leave?
A: 4 years
Section 27 – General Association
No questions
Section 32 – Attendance Policy
Q: Can a commuter use a Might Be Late (MBL)
A: Yes
Q: Can I go on a medical leave even though I do not qualify for FMLA?
A: Yes.
Q: With FMLA there is consecutive and intermittent?
A: Yes, 72 intermittent days or 12 consecutive weeks.
Random Q & A:
Q: Do the pilots have a more favorable application for military leaves?
A: No. They have the USERRA provision just like the provision in our TA2. Management is not looking to improve the provisions, rather comply with the law.
Q: Maternity Leave is still showing as the old language. Why?
A: AFA has a grievance filed and did not want to change the language until we are in front of an arbitrator. The Federal Law has changed since the maternity language was negotiated. There are contractual benefits such as collecting unemployment so we are disputing parts of the provision. No Flight Attendant has come forward and objected to the current language. We are trying to preserve aspect that you apply for unemployment and won’t be denied, while still in compliance with the law.
Q: Why is implementation taking so long?
A: There is a memory problem and programming issue.
Q: Who is the administrator of the new system, Jeppesson?
A: Boeing.
Q: If sitting for 4 hours do you get 2 TFP for sit time?
A: No, for the scheduled or unscheduled over 2 hours you will receive 1 TFP, then additionally you may qualify for stranded pay. If pay protection is greater than stranded you will only receive the pay protection.
Q: So we vote down TA2, would have to train new people, another questionnaire?
A: Yes. Train a new committee. If there are possibly other changes we would have to bring up to speed as well. Worried mostly about how the NMB interacts in the process.
Q: So there would be no less than 9 month turn around possibly?
A: Yes. That is very optimistic timeline.
Q: What about new staff negotiator? Bring up to speed on our agreement?
A: Staff negotiator may change if the will of the MEC and International Office. It would take time to review our agreement if new staffer was not familiar with our property.
Q: Does TA2 have scope protections?
A: Yes. In Section 3 Scope, Section 4 Status of Agreement, Boeing Order LOA, AAG LOA and Job Protection LOA.
Q: Why does it say in the Q&A now questions under some sections?
A: The questions in the Q&A are from the audience. If there were no questions from audience it was not posted.
Q: Question for ANC LEC President, you did vote yes to submit TA2 out for ratification but it was our interpretation you didn’t support the TA, is that correct?
A: Becky Strachan ANC LEC President response: I never said I didn’t support the TA, I said that I had concerns regarding provisions. There is a lot of unknown and undetermined how our pairings and 4k would affect our ANC domicile. I am neutral on the recommendation.