A productivity premium is not a requirement, but in essence a bonus for the quarters Flight Attendants are able to achieve it. Not every Flight Attendant will achieve a Productivity Premium every quarter. Some Flight Attendants may earn the bonus every quarter, while some Flight Attendants may never earn it; and some Flight Attendants will achieve it some quarters but not in other quarters. It is just extra money in the quarter(s) a Flight Attendant flies a minimum of 0.1 TFP more than their awarded line totals added together for the quarter .
What impact does vacation have on the Quarterly Productivity Premium?
Vacation is credited in your monthly awarded line value in PBS, so in the quarter you have vacation awarded, you would have to fly the equivalent of your vacation TFP extra plus 0.1 TFP more.
JAN – line award = 70 TFP (28 TFP vacation + 42 TFP sequence value), FEB – line award = 70 TFP (all 70 TFP sequence value), MAR- line award = 70 TFP (all 70 TFP sequence value). Take Jan (70) + Feb (70) + Mar (70) = 210 TFP for the quarter. A Flight Attendant will need to fly 210.1 total TFP in the quarter, not including vacation or sick leave. Flight Attendants have two choices in this quarter: First, don’t fly through (make up the 28 TFP of vacation) and forego the productivity premium that quarter or second, have worked TFP (which means you will be flying the extra 28 TFP as vacation isn’t credited towards total) and receive the quarterly productivity premium.
These numbers are tracked by looking at the left hand column in PBS where it shows your line value for the month, and to reiterate, vacation is reflected in that number so you will need to fly your vacation TFP plus one tenth (0.1) TFP more than the total PBS line value of the three months added together.
See below for an interactive chart (you will need to scroll at the bottom to view the entire chart) that allows you to plug in your own PBS line award values and your own TFP flown each month to see the impact they have on the Quarterly Productivity Premium.
Kayla says
I see an example for how line holders can achieve the productivity premium but what about reserves? Would they need to be assigned 90+ every month of the quarter or could they pick up a trip on days off to be awarded the premium?
Christina Frees (Negotiating Committee Member) says
Hi Kayla,
Reserves currently are scheduled for 18 days at 5 tfp a day = 90tfp. A Reserve would need to have credited 270.1 tfp over the quarter (this can be achieved by your guarantee match, minimum pay rules or picked up flying). Just like lineholders, there are a few ways to get there. Example: if you gave 4 days away in one month because you needed the days off, you would need to pick up a trip worth 20tfp or a combination of trips that would replace the 20tfp traded away or pick up 4 additional reserve days somewhere in the quarter. Because of the minimum pay rules, reserves will most likely see additional tfp making it easier to meet the criteria of having .1tfp over the average for the quarter. If you have sick days you would need to keep track of the amount and make sure you have made that up through minimum pay rules or picking up additional reserve days or trips.
Hope this helps. Please let us know if you still need clarity.
Kayla says
Thank you! Makes sense
Holly Mozzone says
Question: If I’m awarded 88 TFP for 3 months and my coworker is awarded 78 TFP for 3 months. Does that mean I have to work 30 extra TFP then my coworker to get the same bonus? Last month I got awarded 72 this month I got 88 (not sure or how that’s just how it worked out) it might be possible for me to get a low bid line. I’m not sure how that fair. Don’t get me wrong, I see that’s it extra and I appreciate it. It just doesn’t seem fair that I’d be require to work so much more to receive the same bonus. Is there a minimum for the 3 months as most of us won’t get the same TFP awarded? I also work 83-100 I have no problem working it just seems there should be the same “goal” . I hope that makes since.
Christina Frees (Negotiating Committee Member) says
Hi Holly,
While we understand your concern, managements position is this was an item they were giving that was not tied to any negotiated provisions. They want to incentivize flight attendants to work what they have been awarded. We did explain to them how there would be some inequity based on how bids are awarded as well as vacation. In the end it was a take it or leave it item and we believed that if flight attendants could achieve this even 1 quarter out of the year it was more then we have today and the opportunity shouldn’t be turned down. There is no penalty for not achieving this just a reward if you do.
Kanani Vallot says
So, if this TA2 is turned down a second time, do we automatically go back to the table and renegotiate or does it automatically go to arbitration and decided for us?
Jake Jones (SEA LEC Vice President/Negotiating Committee Member) says
Hi Kanani,
If TA2 is voted down we would go through the same steps as we did with TA1. It would require the involvement of the National Mediation Board, AFA and Management. I am not able to give a time frame of how long it would take to reach another TA, e.g. TA3. I can tell you that it took 1 year between TA1 and TA2. Appreciate you using our blog to ask this important question. There are many variables to the process to take into consideration and there is no concrete answer.
Catherine Bergh says
Thank you for the information. That leads to another question. I have never been awarded a line in the 70 TFP range since PBS came into effect. My line has been built to anywhere from 80 – 93. Even when the minimum bid preference was available, it just didn’t work. I would love to have a line built to 70, be able to pick up and earn that bonus. Is it possible to add a field to PBS requesting my line be built with a TFP range?
Jake Jones (SEA LEC Vice President/Negotiating Committee Member) says
Hi Cathi,
There are many creative ways to adjust your bidding preferences. I would contact a PBS committee member currently Steve Poynter or Rebecca Asbell to assist you. Email them and let them know how you are bidding and what you would like to hold going forward.