AFA has prepared Flight Attendant industry payscale comparisons for the step rates of pay contained in the tentative Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement (JCBA).
Keep in mind that pre-merger Virgin America (pmVX) Flight Attendants are currently paid in dollars per block-hour ($/block-hour), and pre-merger Alaska Airlines (pmAS) Flight Attendants are paid in dollars per Trips for Pay ($/TFP). Until pmVX FA are completely transitioned to the Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement (JCBA) and payroll system (estimated March 2019), pmVX FAs will continue to be paid in block-hours in the existing VX system. In order to match the Alaska pay rates (in TFP) in block-hours, one must convert from $/TFP to $/block-hour.
TFP -> block-hour = 1.13 TFP/block-hour
[Note: Industry comparison documents have been updated to reflect the latest JetBlue (B6) pay rates effective January 1, 2018./ jtp 02.16.2018]
[pmAS] FA Industry Comps in TFP for AS-VX JCBA 2018-2021 >
[pmVX] FA Industry Comps in BLOCK HOURS for AS-VX JCBA 2018-2021 >
Questions about individual Merger Agreement provisions will be answered once the Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC) publishes the full text language of the tentative Merger Agreement on Friday (tomorrow). We thank you in advance for your patience.
In Solidarity,
Your JNC – MEC President Jeffrey Peterson, Jennifer Wise MacColl, Jamie Cogen, Lindsey Steele and AFA Senior Staff Negotiator Paula Mastrangelo
The roadshow schedule may be found in the February 3, 2018 ”Save the Date: Tentative Merger Agreement Roadshows” membership release. AFA anticipates voting will open shortly after the completion of roadshows in mid-March and will end in early April. Any pre-merger Alaska Airlines (pmAS) or pre-merger Virgin America (pmVX) FAs are welcome to attend any and all sessions. Please be aware that only AFA members in good standing may vote on the TA, so it is extremely important that pmAS FAs are current on their dues and pmVX FAs have completed an AFA membership application prior to the vote.