The Negotiating Committee is grateful for the amazing response of our Flight Attendants and their willingness to share their financial struggles with us. This is a personal issue and we value your honesty and trust.
We are concerned but not surprised by the number of responses. We know, however, this is not all of you. We have heard some say that this survey was available for a short period of time and flight attendants could not continue to participate. That is incorrect. We are committed to gathering your stories for as long as it is necessary to ensure that everyone wanting to share has had the opportunity.
Because of the statistics involved in this survey and our desire to understand all of the needs of our group, the sooner you can return your survey the better. This helps us have stable statistics as we move forward in negotiations.
To make this easier for you to respond, we are going to attach the questionnaire in this communication. Please return it to one of the negotiators below or whichever one you feel most comfortable with. If you have any questions please continue to ask. We are here to help and listen.
Lisa Pinkston | Christina Frees | Kristy Stratton | | | |
AFA Alaska Airlines Flight Attendant Financial Aid Questionnaire
All information will be handled with the utmost care and confidentiality. Your name will not be shared outside the Negotiating Committee. The information collected is strictly for negotiation and statistical purposes. Individual Flight Attendant names will be removed and kept confidential.
1. What is your name? Answer:
2. Where you are currently based? Answer:
3. Are you on reserve (Y/N)? Answer:
4. Are you on active status or on a leave of absence? Answer:
5. What is your average monthly paid TFP? Answer:
6. What is your pay step? Answer:
7. What is your household size? Answer:
8. Are you the sole provider (Y/N)? Answer:
9. Do you have a second income (job, rent out rooms etc) to subsidize your monthly income? Answer:
10. At any time in the past 5 years, while you were an Alaska Flight Attendant, have you applied for any form of financial assistance, government, local, third party assistance or loan deferment/forgiveness (Y/N)? If so, what type?
11. Are you currently receiving, or have received any of the following types of financial assistance in the past five years while you were an Alaska Flight Attendant? (You do not need to tell us what type of assistance if you do not wish, simply answer with A, B, C, D or AFA Alaska Airlines Flight Attendant Financial Aid Questionnaire all of the above.) (Y/N)? Answer:
A. Government (food stamps, WIC [Women, Infants & Children] assistance, housing, low income housing, medical, school lunches, cash, other) (Y/N)? Answer:
B. Local (lost cost, subsidized or reduced housing, rent, mortgage, utilities, phone, water, electric, trash, food bank, local charity, non-profits, other) (Y/N)? Answer:
C. Third-party (family, friend, church, Employee Assistance Fund, car payment, free or reduced rent, mortgage assistance, cash, other) (Y/N)? Answer:
D. Deferment or forgiveness program (student loan, mortgage, etc) (Y/N)? Answer:
12. Would you be open to being contacted in the future in regards to this topic (Y/N)? Answer:
If yes, please provide the best way to contact you (email / phone / text / other):
We understand this can be a sensitive topic. On behalf of the Negotiating Committee, thank you for participating and assisting us in collecting this information.
Terri cook says
How do I go about filling out the survey for financial input?
Jeffrey Peterson (MEC President) says
Hi Terri! I sent you an email regarding the Financial Aid Questionnaire. Simply “reply all” to that email with your responses filled in. Thank you very much! ^jtp