Mediation started off today in Chicago on a positive note. The parties, as mediated by National Mediation Board (NMB) Mediator Victoria Gray, signed tentative agreements (TAs) in the following sections:
- 8 – Hours of Service,
- 10 – Scheduling,
- 11 – Reserve,
- 12 – Exchange of Sequences,
- 15 – Leaves of Absence,
- 27 – General Association Information, and
- 28 – Domiciles.
Some of the highlights include: $2.50 Reserve premium reinstated, no pre-plotted ER days (scheduled AM/PM only), eliminated Quartile System and clarified Open Time Trial and “Back to Book” provisions.
One of the previously announced provisions (but worth repeating) is a 15% year over year cap on insurance premium increases in Section 23 Insurance Benefits.
The parties anticipate working late into the night as we begin to exchange comprehensive proposals on the economics. Stay tuned for further developments!
In solidarity,
Your Negotiating Committee—MEC President Jeffrey Peterson, Kristy Stratton, Lisa Pinkston, Jake Jones, Christina Frees and AFA Senior Staff Negotiator Paula Mastrangelo
Kitsie Sperling says
While I am glad to see a cap on insurance, it is crazy to imagine that 15% every year is a good thing. As a primary provider of insurance for my family of 4 my current monthly cost is $270. After 5 yrs of this ‘cap’ the price will be $472 every month. 15% every year is way too high! The company is making Record profits but are putting all higher costs on the backs of front line employees that already are struggling!
Tallee ANCFA says
Thank you all for your continued (sometimes thankless) work! Any news on tight language regarding the new handhelds, specifically protections from hacking or failure? Any chance the devices can just be assigned to the plane, or checked out of inflight at check in?
Jeffrey Peterson (MEC President) says
Any language protection in regards to the new Inflight Mobile Device (IMD) is being developed outside of Section 6 negotiations. That is, any agreement(s) covering the IMD will not be in TA2. The Early Adopters are completely protected by a temporary Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) during the test phase while the parties are working out the kinks with the IMD. Management is intending to issue devices to every flight attendant rather than assigning them to the aircraft or at check-in.
Erin Chisman says
Please make sure there Is clear communication in regards to the new hand held devices . All of these newly assumed duties we are assigned to perform have no scope and we deserve to be paid for additional tasks and told what those duties entail in clear, English . I gladly accept new duties to perform within reason but expect to be compensated with language that protects
Genie says
Any new duties on the new pos
for us to do or sell, we need to be paid accordly. If the companies making more money we should too.
I also want to know what’s on the Pos machines that’s new.
Hudson says
Retro or at the very least a decent signing bonus.
Thank you for all your hard work!
Karin says
Thank you all. Know the masses are behind you and we know you will fight for what we are deserving of. Mahalo Nui Loa!
Kristi chambers says
United we stand.
Make sure we have scope and protection and pay on any extra duties. !!!! No JAing from our new electronic devices
Please make sure you included RENEGOTIATION $$$ for any added duties or sales items added to current job description…SCOPE also…need job protection from any sneaky outsourcing asap
David Beck says
Stay Strong!!! Do not settle for anything less than we deserve!
Melinda mcgraw says
how can the $2.50 reserve pay be “reinstated”? Isn’t that from the TA that was voted down? Quit using that as a starting point,!please.
Jeffrey Peterson (MEC President) says
The elimination of the reserve premium was a huge issue in TA1. The Negotiating Committee is using TA1 as a base from which to keep the desired improvements and eliminate the undesired changes. If we go all the way back to the current contract we start all over again and lose the desired changes in TA1. Plus negotiations would drag on much longer. Our proposal for TA2 was to address the issues the Flight Attendants were not willing to accept from TA1 and retain the positive changes. There was no other intent in communicating the reinstatement of the reserve premium.
Terri cook says
Optimistically hopeful…stand strong NC!