The Negotiating Committee reviews all comments, concerns, suggestions and questions. We appreciate you taking the time to contact us. By channeling our voices in one direction the negotiating committee is able to evaluate and use feedback in our bargaining. Please use the feedback form and encourage others to as well. This way we will have the feedback we need in one location.
Mobilization Volunteers carry a hard copy of the form, that can be turned in to any bases’ lockbox. It can also be submitted online here:
Do not give up working conditions
Please do not make the change in contract on Charters. I do not believe we should be able to bid charters while on vacation. Please note that I could have bid the charter this weekend Aug 1 but am on vacation. This allowed more junior FA to hold this charter. I hear on the line that it is not fair the same people always hold the charters. That is true but seniority should be upheld. However if FA would take the time to look up charters they would find that they could and have held them when those senior are on vacation. This gives them the opportunity and I believe this should stay the same. To be paid for vacation plus get double time for a trip does not seem right to me. Give those that don’t normally hold one an opportunity. Again this has and did affect me this weekend but I am happy for the bid number in the 400’s for holding it. PLEASE no charters while on vacation and this is from bid number 20!!
Really wants to see the quartile, or something similar, implemented for open time
Thank you to all of you for all your hours of hard work for all Flight Attendants. I don’t think I have heard this much chatter on a contract in my entire career as this one…
I am also writing to ask if there is communication that I may have missed that listed the results of the latest survey for this next round of negotiations..
My concern is that company continues to beat the drum that they want productivity out of the membership. Are we communicating to management that we are and have been productive and continue to operate at high level of productivity and despite our disappointment with the lack of management cooperation in reaching a TA worthy of a Yes! Vote. We continue to maintain a higher level of service as noted by our customers in the industry. Please, please, please. Make management aware that the Unproductive Party here is them not US, with their worthless tfp trips. That warrants rigs style compensation in our trips. Enough with the trip Optimizer Excuses!!
I know our negotiators know what they’re doing but I just had a question/concern about wording. As I understand it a “signing bonus” is taxed at a higher rate than “retro pay”. I think, ideally, for the long term, we simply need more money in our paychecks. If we are trying to get back pay for extending the contract, I just want to be sure we’re using the right words to protect us from having it all eaten up by taxes.
Probably a mute point but I’d hate to see “signing bonus” in our contract and kick myself for not bringing it up!
Please, please, please!!!!!! Include compensation for all of the new and future duties the company has in store for us!!!!! This dog an pony show is getting out of hand and it will only get worse if we don’t provide perimeters in our contract and get compensation for all of our new and future (not safety related but company profit related) duties.
I have heard our NT will not negotiate anything that was not included in the survey.
That IS NONSENSE! We pay nearly $50/month for our team to negotiate our contract and it needs to encompass new and ongoing issues that arise as we go along. THIS IS A BIG DEAL. PLEASE include it!
I cannot understand why we are protecting people from JA because they traded their day away. What we are doing is putting traded days ahead of HELD days off! Does no one see this? If I plan for my dr appt and HOLD it off and someone else can’t get the day off but trades their day away, they are protected but I am not! So in order to make sure I will have a certain day off I will now have to bid to work it, then give it away! That’s insanity!
We’re chasing our own tail on this one and not addressing the real issue of who and when to JA.
First and foremost- thank you all for doing what you’re doing!!! I’ve been a part of the mobilization committee since May, and am ready to do some informational leafleting ASAP!!!! Meanwhile, as we get closer to the roll out of our new electronic devices, I must stress, among w/others, how important it is to ensure the language of our contract is very clear and concise; and if ANY additional duties are expected of us on top of what is already in the contract, we need to be paid accordingly. In addition, language as far as scope is also very important. Yes, pay is important, but it’s MOST DEFINITELY NOT the only thing!!!! Our time is now, and as someone has said “the concession stand is now CLOSED!!!” and that should be one of our new slogans!!!! We have given SO much, and now we deserve to actually be paid for what we do in the present, and for what they expect in the future. Thanks for listening!!!! Just my 2 cents! 🙂
Just read the latest negotiation email. The CURRENT open time trading system with the company being able to close ALMOST all days after 24 hrs is TOTALLY unacceptable in my opinion. I remember when you could trade a MTW trip for a TFS trip! This checkerboard calendar is ridiculous. This current practice of the company HOLDING trips and leaving ONLY one or two days open on our calendar MUST change. The flight attendant group WILL stand up for change on this! Also you think a 15% cap increase PER YEAR is acceptable over a 5 yr. contract? Do the math —- that means our healthcare can increase up to 75%. Management says we are THE BEST—- well let’s get the contract we finally deserve!!!!
I for one am generally pleased with the “openers.”
However, would it be possible to clarify under the JA portion exactly what is meant by “limited immunity” from JA on traded or given away days from a FA original line? This appears to be a radical departure from what is current book.
Also, language regarding record improvement on holidays will need to be tightened to indicate which holidays are being referenced and whether or not days touching the holiday are meant to be part of that calculation.
We need operational duty maximums. I just came off a difficult two day where a reserve was tagged in an out station at our report time due to sick online. Then subsequent four-hour mechanical delay. She had worked nearly 15 hours. D FA got rescheduled for additional assignment (not a reserve) above 12.5 hours (not due to subsequent delay). The company doesn’t care what happens to us or about fatigue because we have no language to back it up. I am hearing way to many “horror” stories out on the line of 18-20 plus hour duty days. This would not happen at any other carrier because they have duty maximums. Now today FA’s across the system are being stranded with unlimited duty days in the bay area. Alaska is the ONLY airline that I know of that does not have operational duty maximums. We need to be able to “walk” at an out station or diversion city due to delays like every carrier. IMO, 12.5 hours plus projected day is reasonable. This gives the company plenty of time to get a “game plan.” Scheduling does whatever they want with our duty day when the operation goes south because we have little language to protect us.
I haven’t been able to get my volunteers to do much. It seems Facebook and TA Talk is the avenue of choice.
I have been receiving all correspondence and or emails from AFA regarding current events, however, many on social media are saying they don’t get anything regarding upcoming events from AFA, I m hearing loud and clear. We are fed up with not getting a contract, we so well deserve!! Long over due!!!
Are the number of UM’s allowed per flight regulated at all? If so, is it the FAA or the individual airline? Thank you for responding.
Answer: No, there is not a regulated amount of UMs per flight.
APSB for Reserves, hoping that you will keep the changes in TA1 for reserves. The 5 hours isn’t great, but having to be scheduled within an hour is good. Also a limit on APSB during the month. Some reserves can go day, after day, after day, being forced to sit APSB. There needs to be a limit on this. ER days, would love for them to just GO AWAY but if they have to stay, please protect the reserves with the changes that were in TA1 for the ER days.
The new bins that hold more bags concern me. Already on the ER even with the ‘assist’ overheads it is difficult and I have pulled my back, as I know others have. If they are going with the huge bags then we need bins that close automatically because otherwise we are putting FAs health at risk.
Retro pay, retro pay, retro pay since giving concessions three years ago!!
When injured and off on workers comp the company needs to pay FA insurance for the duration of the injury, not just three months!
Terri cook says
With add’l work duties, constantly changing/increasing we need language ensuring that all these service duties are paid compensated in the future. Its ridiculous that we continue to do more/work harder than ever & get nothing in return for our productivity– just mngmnt constantly expecting more productivity from us, with no fair compensation. I remember reading in a comparison “somewhere” re: Southwest FA’s rec’ing per diem for working full flts, all- nighters, over water & on board sales. We need/ deserve THAT!
Jake Jones (SEA LEC Vice President/Negotiating Committee Member) says
Hi Terri,
The negotiating committee appreciates your post and feedback. As a committee we will review and take under consideration as we return to the negotiating table in October with management. We will definitely plan on leveraging our position using the examples you and many others have provided. Our Flight Attendants are due compensation for their contributions to the success of our airline. Thank you again for taking the time to post on our new blog.
Jake Jones
Negotiating Committee Member
Johanna says
Please bring to the negotiations table about SCOPE…the company should not add more duties without being negotiated first with our union and making sure there’s no Loopholes in the language.. we need to get paid for boarding and more on our sit times. Please we can’t take the risk of being outsourced and this is extremely important that we fight hard in this issues, it’s our career in jeopardy. We are all looking forward to the comments about this issues after negotiations. Thank you for everything you all do.
Jake Jones (SEA LEC Vice President/Negotiating Committee Member) says
Thank you for your comments. The negotiating committee will take your comments and suggestions into consideration. Once we complete our October session we will be communicating additional information. Stay tuned!
Jake Jones
Negotiating Committee Member
Kim G says
-S C O P E!!!! We don’t want any chances of our job being outsourced!!
-COMPENSATION (also for all the “new duties” they keep adding on)
-COMPENSATION FOR BOARDING!!! The hardest part of our job & we’re not even getting paid for it?? How can we be disciplined for being late and board flights (doing our job) and NOT get paid for it???!!!! Ridiculous! It needs to be changed!
So much more!!
Thank you for listening & all of your hard work! Now let’s get a killer contract for our killer flight attendants!!
Jake Jones (SEA LEC Vice President/Negotiating Committee Member) says
Hi Kim,
Thank you for commenting on this thread. We will be addressing the issues you bring forward in our next negotiation session. The negotiating committee will take into consideration your comments and concerns. We will provide additional information shortly after the session is complete. Please stay tuned for an update in October.
Jake Jones
Negotiating Committee Member
K pierce says
One of the stated changes to reserves in the presented TA was a change to crew rest. It was stated to have changed to the same as a line holder. However a reserve was still contactable after 9.5 hours of rest to report after 11.5 hrs. It would really help reserves if they had 11.5 hrs of non contactable rest. Reserves are working extremely long days lately and being tagged right and left, to help prevent illness and burnout appropriate rest is needed.
Jake Jones (SEA LEC Vice President/Negotiating Committee Member) says
Hi K,
The negotiating committee appreciates your comments. We will review your concerns and comments as we move forward. Thank you for taking the time to comment on this thread. In the next session we will be finalizing Section 11, Reserve. The committee worked very hard for improvements to reserve including but not limited to retaining the $2.50 premium, silent rest as you mentioned, eliminating pre-plotted ER days and including a newly automated reserve reposition calendar. After a TA is reached we will release additional details.
Jake Jones
Negotiating Committee Member