EVERYONE needs to work 480 to accrue PAID vacation for the following year.
IF you do not work 480 you will be given a FULL credit towards Healthcare coverage consistent with your seniority awarded vacation allotment.
Seniority affords you more vacation days and the ability to hold prime vacation time whether it was earned the previous year or not. In order to have your vacation as a PAID benefit everyone will need to work 480 TFP over the entire year.
The Negotiating Committee believed this was the most fair application across all seniority groups.
Gwendolyn says
What happens with maternity leave? Or how about a voluntary leave of absence? Are you unable to accrue your vacation if you are on maternity leave? How does this work?
Jeffrey Peterson (MEC President) says
If you are on a leave of absence (including maternity leave) and coordinating with sick leave then that month is not counted as part of the calendar year look-back. The look-back would extend into the previous year to capture additional months of flying to count towards the 480 TFP. In relation to maternity leave, you are eligible to accrue vacation while on the leave. On a voluntary LOA you would receive a 1.333 credit towards the 480 TFP for each day of the leave. If you have no paid time in a month, you would receive a 1/12 reduction to your vacation entitlement.
Cicelyn English says
Can you confirm –
a FA with 5 weeks paid vacation (140 TFP) who usually flies 480 , will have to fly an additional 140 beyond the (soft) 480 – (to keep earning paid vacation)? This is where the 620 number is coming from.
I am NOT asking about insurance. This is only as it pertains to vacation.
Jake Jones (SEA LEC Vice President/Negotiating Committee Member) says
Hi Cicelyn,
Today’s contract requires a 480 TFP credit (including sick leave and vacation)
TA2 requires 480 Worked TFP (excluding sick leave and vacation)
If a Flight Attendant is coordinating the earned vacation from the prior year of 140 TFP, with their flying of 340 TFP in the current year, then you will have to fly an additional 140 TFP, for a total of 480 TFP for a benefit in the subsequent year.
If you are flying 480 TFP and not coordinating sick leave or vacation you will receive the benefit of paid vacation in the subsequent year.
If you have Worked TFP of 480 and the prior year you earned and were awarded 140 TFP of vacation you would receive a paid amount of 480 + 140 (vacation) = paid TFP 620 (480 worked TFP and earned vacation 140TFP from prior years flying).
All Flight Attendants must have worked TFP of 480 in order to receive a subsequent year paid maximum vacation accrual up to 140 TFP based on years of service.
Jen Kellar says
I’m not one that is worried about not making my 480, but when I do get to a higher seniority, and would like to fly less, I’m asking-
Can you still BID for vacation time off, just not get the 28tfp for it??? So, say, one worked 420 hard time. Would that person still be able to bid for vacation time during rounds, or no?
Christina Frees (Negotiating Committee Member) says
Based on your question you would get half your vacation days to bid off. You would not be PAID for those vacation days. Example: Your seniority affords you 4 weeks/28 days of vacation. You work 480 in the year. You WILL receive ALL days to bid and ALL days WILL be PAID for the following year. If you DO NOT reach the 480 for the year but exceed 240, you WILL receive half 2 weeks/14 days to bid for but WILL NOT be paid for those days. If you DO NOT reach at least 240 for the year, you will not receive any days to bid or be paid for.
Maria says
When term “work” is used is it referring to hard time flying?
Jake Jones (SEA LEC Vice President/Negotiating Committee Member) says
Worked TFP is all TFP excluding vacation and sick leave.