Q: What happens to my per diem and duty hours if deplaning exceeds the 15 minute debrief at domicile?
A: If deplaning exceeds the 15 minute debrief at domicile, a Flight Attendant may call Crew Scheduling to have her or his debrief adjusted to end at the time when the last customer exited the aircraft. Your duty time and per diem will be automatically adjusted and credited accordingly once Crew Scheduling modifies the conclusion of debrief.
Q: If I’m a Reserve, what happens if deplaning exceeds the 15 minute debrief at domicile? Will I receive an “Unavailable for Contact” under the Attendance Policy in Section 32 for not calling Crew Scheduling or checking my email within the debrief time?
A: As long as you check your email or call Crew Scheduling as soon as possible after deplaning ends and prior exiting the secure area, you will not be assessed points under the Attendance Policy. However, remember you should call Crew Scheduling to have your debrief adjusted so you are appropriately credited for your duty time and per diem.
Q: Let’s say I return to domicile at the conclusion of my trip and I receive a message to contact a supervisor or Crew Scheduling. The contact occurs prior to the end of my debrief period but deplaning exceeds the 15 minutes. Am I required to contact them after deplaning?
A: Yes. If the contact is made prior to the end of the debrief period at domicile, then you must return the contact as soon as possible following the conclusion of deplaning. Remember to also have Crew Scheduling adjust your debrief time in order to appropriately credit your duty hours and per diem.
Q: Let’s say I return to domicile at the conclusion of my trip and deplaning exceeds 15 minutes by 3 minutes, so it takes 18 minutes. Deplaning is compete and I am off the plane walking up the jet bridge at 19 minutes after block in. Then a supervisor comes running down the jetbridge and tells me I am needed for a Junior Assignment or to pre-board a flight. Are either of these a legal assignment?
A: No. Any contact made for the purposes of JA or pre-boarding must occur prior to the conclusion of the debrief period. Remember to call Crew Scheduling to adjust your debrief time in order to appropriately credit your duty hours and per diem for the 3 minutes.
Denise Taylor says
what happens if we get back to base and the captain wants to have a debriefing? Are we allowed to call crew scheduling and have our time changed even so passengers have been long gone?
Lisa Pinkston (ANC LEC Vice President/Negotiating Committee Member) says
No, we are only allowed to adjust our debrief for the time we are required to be on the aircraft due to having passengers on board and this is based on an FAA requirement.
Randi Darchuck says
What happens when I return to domicile scheduled for 11:30 crew rest however due to delay rest from block in plus 15 is reduced to 10:30. Deplaning takes 18 minutes reducing my rest to 10:27. How am I paid/protected for pairing following reduced rest and will scheduling take my word on how long it took to deplane?
Jeffrey Peterson (MEC President) says
Per 8.M.1:
“Scheduled Domicile Rest
If eleven hours and thirty minutes (11:30) is scheduled and the Flight Attendant does not receive at least ten hours and thirty minutes (10:30) rest from release to report, the Flight Attendant’s schedule will be adjusted (via SIP or assignment of a Like Sequence(s)) to provide eleven hours and thirty minutes (11:30) rest from release to report. The Flight Attendant will not suffer a loss of pay as a result of such schedule adjustment.”
That means the conflicting sequence would be split at the SIP if there is one or you would be given a Like Sequence (“Like Sequence” shouldn’t have a (s) on it because under TA2 you can only be given a single Like Sequence by definition, so I’ll add this to the list for final clean-up prior to publication if TA2 passes). If none of the aforementioned are possible then you would be pay protected. Yes, Crew Scheduling should take you at your word provided you have given them an accurate accounting of when the last passenger exited the aircraft. If Crew Scheduling balked at such an adjustment, AFA would pursue the issue on your behalf.