Due to availability of the Information Technology (IT) team and other automation support, which includes acquiring necessary software, and the time required to implement specific terms and conditions of the contract, the parties agree to an implementation schedule. All Flight Attendants will receive a copy of the implementation schedule and the specific items with an estimation of completion. Management is not putting resources towards implementation until this TA or a subsequent TA is ratified. Once the full TA is released we will be providing additional information for your consideration.
You are here: Home / Negotiations / Contract 2014 Negotiations Blog / Q&A: What is our implementation schedule for the changes in TA2?
Bryan Brasseur says
I’m not sure if this was addressed in previous posts or not. I was wondering with the implementation schedule for the minimium pay rules being uncertain, whether we would be pay protected in the form of backpay to DOS, if the company delays getting the software up and running? It seems to take a great deal of time to get new POS devices replaced, software etc. That would be quite alot of money left on the table while we wait.
Thank you
Christina Frees (Negotiating Committee Member) says
The Minimum Pay Rules will be implemented no later then May 1st. We’ve been told most likely March. We were not able to achieve the agreement of back pay that was in TA1.
Trish McLain says
With that being said, if TA2 is ratified, and we are short staffed the last week of December, will we continue with the current VJA process or will Premium Opentime be in effect? Thanks.
Christina Frees (Negotiating Committee Member) says
The current VJA and JA (without the current ability to call FA’s at home) would apply until the Premium OT system is implemented. However the 2.5x pay would apply and you will be able to post the trip for giveaway and the premium would go with.