Dear Flight Attendants,
Much is being discussed, blogged, Facebooked, Tweeted, raved, ranted, dissected and fabricated when it comes to the tentative agreement (TA2) that is up for your consideration between now and December 17. It is on that date the polls close and YOUR vote will be counted.
In the meantime, there are 23 days before polls close which is plenty of time for us each to exercise due diligence by reading the TA in its entirety, reading through the AFA Negotiations Blog* where numerous questions are asked and answered, and, if you still have questions, reaching out directly to your negotiating committee. If you are able, I would encourage you to attend one of the roadshows** that will be conducted by the negotiating committee at each domicile over the coming weeks. The roadshows are terrific forums that afford you the opportunity to ask questions or get clarification directly from the people who have worked tirelessly on your behalf to put together what is, without a doubt, a top of industry Tentative Agreement.
I am well aware that there are several social media forums out there where TA2 is being discussed, at times quite passionately. I am certain these forums make for an interesting read, and discussion with your peers can be a good thing in that it offers one a variety of perspectives. However, there is a danger with these types of forums in that misinformation or, more likely, misinterpretation of contract language can potentially take on a life of its own. This is usually unintentional but is no less dangerous. I trust that each of you will take the necessary steps to ensure you are basing your vote on factual information regarding TA2 and not hearsay or conjecture.
Many of you wondered why the majority of LEC Presidents, myself included, took a neutral stance on TA2 when we voted in favor 4 to 1 to send the TA out for your consideration. The answer is simply because we didn’t feel it was our responsibility to tell you how to vote. Trust that I would have never voted in favor of releasing TA2 to the membership had I not felt strongly that it was truly worthy of your consideration and if it was not a TA that I personally felt comfortable working under.
In closing, regardless of which way you vote, I implore you to get all the facts before casting your final vote, be respectful of the opinions and votes of others, and please be mindful of the hard work and long hours put in by our Negotiating Teams over the past few years. Theirs is a tough and often times thankless job, and whether you support TA2 or not I ask that you please take a moment to thank them for taking on this daunting task on your behalf. They have executed their job well by offering us a top of industry TA while sacrificing time with their loved ones and while making themselves vulnerable to some unfairly harsh criticism at times. It is now our job as members to vote on whether to accept or reject this tentative agreement while continuing to conduct ourselves as the award-winning professionals that we are.
In solidarity,
Stephen Couckuyt
President, Council 15 SAN
*For more information regarding TA2, including roadshow schedules for all domiciles and the AFA Negotiations Blog, please visit:
**San Diego Roadshow Information
Monday, December 1
Morning Session: 8:30 AM – 12 PM
Afternoon Session: 1 PM – 4:30 PM
Doubletree Hotel San Diego Downtown
1646 Front Street
San Diego, CA
Thursday, December 11
Morning Session: 8:30 AM – 12 PM
Afternoon Session: 1 PM – 4:30 PM
Sheraton San Diego Hotel (Bay Tower—smaller tower)
1380 Harbor Island Drive
San Diego, CA
Note: The map below shows the location of the Marina Tower (larger tower) at the Sheraton. To get to the Bay Tower, go past the Marina tower and turn right where the road ends. The Bay Tower will be on the right.
Jan says
Where is the darn *like* button anyway?? Very nicely said Stephen. I, for one am very grateful to out NT and MEC/LEC’s for all their time and hard work compiling this TA2 for our consideration. I have no idea (personally) how thankless it must be. I stand behind you 100%, for whatever good that does! I also thank you for all your dedication, hard work, and time spent away from your families and loved ones to present us with a TA to vote on. You all ROCK!
Sadly, It’s an emotional time for many of our group and I hope none of that has been directed at you personally. It’s a business offer. Period. I don’t need my employer to respect me, I need them to compensate me for doing my job. Simply a business deal.
Jeffrey Peterson (MEC President) says
Thank you for your kind words, Jan!