eMaestro is switching to the new
Jeppeson Crew Access “JCA” system at
8:00 PM PST on January 30th.
Your LEC Officers have prepared the following information to help you ease into the new system. Also, your LEC Scheduling Chair/Vice Chair, Martin Vance and Rita Tillou, will be hosting base sits and classroom training sessions starting next week.
Information to sign up for the classroom training sessions is located in the January 26th weekly inflight bundle and we have listed the information below. Please make sure that you have completed the videos and completed the quiz before you attend a training session.
You DO NOT have to sign up for base sits.
What is Crew Access?
• It is the new scheduling and trading system for flight attendants. It is not a replacement for NavTech PBS and does not affect bidding. However, we have also prepared helpful hints to protect your default and monthly bids.
Watch the training videos on the Inflight Webpage
Complete the 3 question quiz to receive pay
Complete all trading by 8:00 PM PST on January 30th
Reserves should update LTFA preference by 8:00 pm on January 30th
After JCA launches, FAs will use PeopleSoft numbers when calling Crew Scheduling
After JCA launches, Flight Loads will no longer be available on the FA Website
You will have to search on PET for loads
After JCA launches,verify your outlook calendar is working. AFA has been told this function should work.
PBS Helpful Hints:
Navtech PBS changes related to Crew Access
Effective January 27th:
You will now use your PeopleSoft number to log into PBS…your password remains the same. Your PeopleSoft number is located on your company I.D. card.
Any previously entered bid containing an Arctic number will be ignored (Buddy Bid, Award and/or Avoid bids). You must now use the person’s PeopleSoft number. If needed, send an email to PBS.QA@alaskaair.com for help with PeopleSoft numbers.
Our understanding is that your Default bid will carry over in the transition to PeopleSoft numbers. In case it does not, print out or take a screen shot of your Default bid in case you need to re-enter it. Do this prior to 8pm on Jan 30th!
Crew Access Filters:
• There are limited search filters for OT
Filters may be added in the future (i.e. TFP)
If you have filter recommendations or requests, send to sea.scheduling@afaalaska.org.
• You may subscribe to 5 filters for text notifications
Text will be sent if a trip is “advertised” by a FA or dropped into OT
You may save more than 5 filters, but can only receive texts for 5
Notifications & Messages:
• When logging in to Crew Access, any notifications (schedule changes) will pop up
You may acknowledge ALL CHANGES and not receive a call OR
You may skip notifications and Crew Scheduling will still call you
• Notifications will include hotel, roster, and assignment changes
• “Notifications” ARE NOT a contractual means of contact for Reserve notification after a trip
- Reserves must still check email or call CS after a reserve trip
- You may view unacknowledged notifications from the drop down menu
- Messages include Make a Wish and Military flights
• Static – your roster that was awarded from Crew Planning, with no changes
• Reports should show the last 3 months of information
Reserve Self-Assignment, Section 11.E~ please read!
- Even if you have self-assigned, YOU ARE STILL ON CALL AND CONTACTABLE per your reserve classification
- You may trade a self-assigned or CS assigned trip with OT or other reserves
- Self Assign is 10am-2pm Domicile Time the day before a trip begins
- At 2pm, OT trips will be pulled and assigned by CS
- ER Reserve classifications may not self-assign any trips or APSB
- APSB may only be self-assigned for day 1 of a 5-day block, day 1 and/or 2 of a 6-day block
- Reserve Self-Assignment for an AM or PM Reserve with four (4) or fewer days of availability remaining in her/his block may self-assign a sequence from Open Time between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM (PT) the day prior to check-in, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The self-assignment must be within the Reserve’s domicile
2. The self-assigned sequence must commence within the Reserve’s availability period and must be for the same number of days as the Reserve has left in her/his block.
3. Sequences may not be split to accommodate a self-assignment.
Your AFA Officers realize that this is a lot of information and we want to ensure that you have an easy transition to the new system. Please email us at sea.scheduling@afaalaska.org with any questions.
In Solidarity,
Your LEC Officers and LEC Scheduling Chairs