Council #19 Monthly Committee Updates
The committee newsletter is meant to be published on the 2nd Wednesday of every month and the previous version was published prematurely. This version contains corrections and additions that were originally left out of the previous email.

We are working on new ways to get information to you. As always, we want to get information to you as quickly as possible. We realize not everyone uses the same platforms as others, so if you have suggestions, please let us know by emailing,
We have started a new Council 19 Facebook Group, you can join here. We are also scheduling regular newsletters which will be sent out the last Wednesday of every month. You will also receive a monthly committee update on the second Wednesday of every month. We will rotate committee reports, so each committee will report back to members every other month. In addition to this, we will regularly make posts on our website and will link all of the updates to the Facebook page. We appreciate any feedback you give us!
In April of this year our uniform policy changed and the requirements for shoes was one of the important changes. In our roles, we are on our feet for long periods of time, and proper footwear plays a critical role in our long-term wellbeing. We had the opportunity to attend a lecture on the aging workforce at a safety conference earlier this year. It was an eye opener to hear about how making smart choices about footwear really makes a difference and was a key factor in keeping an aging workforce active in a BMW plant in Germany. Our revised shoe policy is on page 20 of the Uniform Guides and it makes wearing practical shoes easier. The next time you are out shopping for shoes, remember the following advice:
- Do not expect that footwear which is too tight will stretch with wear.
- Have both feet measured when buying shoes. Feet normally differ in size.
- Buy shoes to fit the larger foot.
- Buy shoes late in the afternoon when feet are likely to be swollen to their maximum size.
- Ask a doctor’s advice if properly fitting shoes are not available.
- Consider using shock-absorbing insoles
It sounds like common sense, but often we let fashion win over comfort.
The Human Rights Committee was proud to have our Local Chairperson, Yan Yan Teague as a voting delegate at the Biennial APALA Convention on August 3-5. The Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance (APALA), AFL-CIO, was founded in 1992 and is the first and only national organization of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) workers, most of whom are union members and our allies, building power for AAPI workers and communities.
At the convention, a new APALA Executive board was elected. Workshops included how to engage union members, creating mentorship and learning about undocumented Asian workers. You can read about the highlights of the convention here:
If any AFA member is interested in becoming an APALA Member, please reach out to Yan Yan to learn more.
Your Hotel committee is continuing to advocate hard for the best hotels possible. We have seen recent changes to downtown locations in SFO, ORD and JFK. We will be looking at additional downtown locations as contracts expire.
Other cities that are currently being looked at or will be soon are: TPA, RSW, BUR, SEA, SJC, ONT, KOA, CUN, RDU, BWI, EWR (short) and more to come!
We appreciate all of the Crew Care reports that come in daily. They help us when choosing or reviewing a property. Please continue to submit both negative and positive feedback.
We launched a new API tool called “My Travel” to give you the most up to date hotel layover information. You will see an icon on your IMD with the “API” logo. This is a quick link to the My Travel page. It will transition to a up to date, stand alone application in the coming weeks.
Please reach out if you have any questions about hotels. We can be reached at
The Benefits Committee attended the first Quarterly Benefits Check-in meeting on July 18th along with representatives from the Alaska Benefits Team assigned to Inflight. We were able to discuss ongoing concerns with the team. Kathy O’Malley and Terry Taylor for Council 19 represented SEA Flight Attendants.
Since we have changed our Workers Compensation administration company 14 months ago, we’ve had many issues and difficulties with Sedgwick. Terry Taylor met with Absence Management representatives and others, to discuss these concerns on July 21st, along with Stephanie Adams, MEC Grievance Chairperson. We are pleased that we were heard, and changes to the administration staff and processing of Worker’s Compensation leaves for SEA have been implemented.
We also discussed some of the main pain points since the transition from Matrix to Hartford in January 2023. We seem to be making progress with Hartford, and have specific contacts with Absence Management to resolve issues with processing and administering leaves of absence.
We will be switching 401(k) Plan Administrators this fall. The Retirement committee will be attending the first meeting to prepare for the transition on August 8th. More information will be provided by both the company, and the Committee.
We continue to support all bases with Maternity general questions & assistance with leave planning through the Alaska Airlines Maternity Connection Facebook group.
Hello everyone! We hope you are enjoying the summer and getting ready for the upcoming events. Here are some updates from SEA EAP:
- We have been working with Inflight management to educate them about our FAAS Pathway program, which helps FA’s who may be struggling with substance use or other issues to seek help in a safe, non-, non-judgemental way.
- We have created a comprehensive list of options for counseling and mental health provider assistance, as Active Support has not been reliable or consistent for our FA’s.
We want to remind you of some important tips when flying:
- If you notice a FA who seems impaired, disoriented, or unwell, please check on them and contact MedAire or Global Lifeline if needed. They may be having a medical emergency or need help.
- If you suspect a FA may be under the influence of a substance, please urge them to call EAP, initiate a Pathway 1 through the FAAS Program, or call out sick. Do not let them fly if they are not fit for duty. Safety First!
- EAP is a safe and confidential place to ask for support. We do not share your information with the company unless you authorize us, or it is necessary. We can work with benefits, grievances, and other AFA committees to help you with your needs. You can contact us through AFA tickets, referrals, your flying peers or directly.
- Professional Standards is a confidential option that allows feedback to a FA who may be violating safety or company policies, or who may have a work style or personality conflict with you. We will reach out to the reported FA confidentially and try to resolve or defuse the issue. Please do not contact the FAs who reported you or retaliate against them in any way. This could lead to discipline from the company.
- EAP/Professional Standards does not handle BOA Visa issues, non-payment with trip trades, or social media issues. Please be mindful of what you post on social media and avoid negative, hurtful, or inappropriate comments that could target someone by name. Doing so may result in unwanted attention and discipline from the company. Be respectful, supportive, and kind to each other online and off-line.
We are here for you, and we appreciate your feedback. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your hard work and dedication!
This section contains revisions and clarifications.
WSLC – Convention July 18-20, 2023
- In attendance: SEA Flight Attendants Andrew Stinson, Tracy Pettit, Jerry Sinclair, Melinda Jorge
- As delegates we voted on resolutions and declarations for labor union activities
- There were many open Mic discussions, Guest Speakers, and Guest Candidates Running for WA State offices
- We spoke about the Pop-Up Picket and the day of Solidarity on August 15 for Alaska FAs
- We handed out over 500 flyers at the convention – speaking points regarding Alaska’s Flight Attendants fight for an Industry Leading Contract & Wages
- We learned of a $5,000 grant through WSLC that we can apply for funds to assist with our mobilization strategies
Meeting with MLK Labor – 07/26/2023
- Seattle current and future number of delegates (voting) – per capita increase
FAA bill HR 3935
- passed 07/20/2023
Meeting with Pierce County Labor Council
- 07/31/2023 – Beginning a new relationship with Pierce County Labor
Revised to add CBT discipline can progress up to and including discharge.
On June 2, 2023, there was a Grievance Committee Update published for the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2022, and 1st quarter of 2023. Items discussed included:
- Steps of Discipline
- Subjects of most recent discipline
- Recent Arbitration/Mediation
- Recent grievance Settlements
- Grievances recently filed, denied by management and currently awaiting arbitration dates.
In Council 19, there were over 50 disciplines issued for failure to complete the Q2 CBT. It is important to remember that discipline is progressive, so if you are already in steps of discipline, failure to complete your CBT will move you up the steps, up to and including suspension discharge. If you encounter any technical issues, please contact the ITS Help Desk. To verify that your CBT is complete, check that your Cornerstone transcript lists under “Completed” and check your email for a confirmation.
Q3 CBT curriculum has now been pushed to your device. Please make the effort to complete it and avoid any last-minute technical issues. If necessary, have an accountability partner and set a goal to get it done by the end of the month. Don’t forget, you get 1TFP for completing the CBT, and if you complete it in August, it will count towards your single month $350 PPP bonus for August!
We are looking to engage more young Flight Attendants in the Union. Our NextGen program is looking for a few flight attendants under 35 years old who are eager to join and gain more experience working in the union with other union sectors. To learn more about NextGen, contact Yan Yan Teague.
In Solidarity,
Jarod, David, Kathy, Yan Yan, Andrea, Melinda & Paula