Local Council Meeting
Alaska Airlines Council 15, San Diego
Monday, October 20, 2014 – 11 AM to 2 PM
Sharie D Shipley Center, San Diego International Airport, San Diego, CA
The Sharie D Shipley Center is located in Terminal 2 on the baggage claim level. From the Commuter Terminal, ride the airport loop bus and get off at the third stop. Walk into Terminal 2 baggage claim area, turn left, and walk to the very end. The center is on the left side of the far end wall.
I. Call To Order
II. Officer’s Reports
a. President
b. Vice President
c. Secretary
III. Introduction of Guests
a. Jeffrey Peterson, MEC President
b. Stephen Poynter, MEC Scheduling Vice Chairperson for PBS
IV. Committee Reports
a. Air Safety, Health, & Security
b. Benefits
c. EAP/Professional Standards
d. Government Affairs
e. Grievance
f. Hotel
g. Inflight Service
h. Membership
i. Mobilization
j. Reserve
k. Retirement
l. Uniform
V. Announcements
VI. Approval of Minutes
VII. Call For Late Agenda Items
VIII. Old Business
IX. New Business
a. Inflight Mobile Device
X. Good and Welfare
a. Contract 101
b. Q&A
XI. Adjournment