AFA Alaska news and information are now easier to access than ever with the recent launch of our new optimized mobile website. Just visit on your IMD or personal smartphone for easy access to AFA resources when you’re on the go.
There’s An App For That
If you’re using an Apple device, you can save the AFA Alaska mobile website as an app icon on your device’s desktop. It’s easy; just follow these steps (or check out the screenshots below):
- On your device, visit
- Click the center icon at the bottom of the screen (arrow pointing up inside a square)
- Click “add to home screen”
- Click “add” in the top right corner
The mobile web app will be available as an icon on your desktop an you’ll have easy access whenever you need it. Please note that the AFA Alaska web app requires an active Internet connection to function.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your Local Council.
In Solidarity,
Your MEC – Jeffrey Peterson, Brian Palmer, Yvette Gesch, Lisa Pinkston, Laura Masserant, Cathy Gwynn, Sandra Morrow and Stephen Couckuyt