In This Edition
- MEC Mobilization Committee Chairperson Interviews
- 2022 College Scholarship Opportunities
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MEC Mobilization Committee Chairperson Interviews
Originally posted January 28, 2022
As preparations for contract negotiations continue, our MEC is seeking candidates for the position of MEC Mobilization Committee Chairperson. The Mobilization Committee works to provide support to the Negotiating Committee through coordinated solidarity activity and two-way communication between the membership and the committee. The MEC Mobilization Committee Chairperson is responsible for coordinating the activities of the Mobilization Committee across all six bases. Interviews will be held during the April Regular MEC Meeting on April 13, 2022. Interested candidates should complete the online expression of interest form and submit a resume by Tuesday, April 5 at 5 PM Pacific time.
2022 College Scholarship Opportunities
Originally posted January 28, 2022
As an AFA and CWA Member, you and/or certain eligible dependents have the opportunities for at least three different scholarships. An additional opportunity, the Union Plus Free College Benefit, offers the ability to earn a degree with no out of pocket expense for tuition, fees, and e-books. Check out the links below for eligibility requirements, application information, and other important details for each opportunity.
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Negotiating Committee Final Interviews
On Wednesday, January 26, our Master Executive Council (MEC) met to conduct final interviews with the candidates for the three Negotiating Committee Member positions who will represent us during upcoming contract negotiations with the Company. Our MEC would like to express their appreciation for all of the candidates who stepped forward and expressed a desire to serve our Flight Attendants. Given the importance of the decision, the MEC agreed to take additional time over the weekend to consider the candidates and will meet again on Tuesday, February 1 to continue with the selection process.