PDX Roadshow Q&A 12/8/14
Section 3 – Scope
Q: If I am “A” could I switch positions with the “E” (manager/supervisor)?
A: You may change service positions once in the air, however all FAs must sit their safety position.
Q: What is industry standard on this?
A: The provisions from other carriers are on the blog.
Section 8 – Hours of Service
Q: If contacted during debrief how will they contact us?
A: Supervisor at door, pilots giving you ACARS or CSA telling you to call scheduling. They could leave you a message.
Q: What happens if pilots forget to give you ACARS?
A: The same practice today. You do not get in trouble. We believe however the Chief Pilot will contact the pilots to remind them to pass on ACARS to FAs.
Section 9 – Junior Availability and Premium OT
Q: Is there an amount of days you are allowed to have off no matter what and they won’t JA you?
A: Yes. If you have no more than the minimum 12 days off or if you are scheduled to fly more than 118.2 tfp you can’t be JA’d, same limits as current book.
Q: How much do you get paid for VJA?
A: VJA has been replaced with Premium Open Time and sequences will be placed into OT with a minimum of 1.5x premium up to whatever increased premium they choose to offer.
Section 10 – Scheduling
Q: What is the current max of a 4k pairing?
A: Practical application of 4k would be PDX-PVR, 11 hours 45 minutes is max. If you exceed 12 hours 30 minutes the over duty protections apply. The 14 hour rule also applies.
Q: Was there any thought given to a 4k duty period and how that will affect the FAs and our service scores?
A: A conversation with executive management did take place and many considerations were discussed. The 4k allows FAs to opt in, it is not forced on a lineholder.
Q: If I opt in for 4k flying during bidding, does that mean I can be reassigned or JA’d to a 4k?
A: No. The 4k opt in is for bidding. No lineholder will be reassigned or JA’d to a 4k.
Section 11 – Reserve
Q: If I am a lineholder who picked up a reserve day where will my name appear?
A: Bottom of list within your classification on the LTFA. Based on seniority.
Section 12 – Exchange of Sequences
Q: In PDX if there are 3 daily departures limiting OT and someone picks up a day what happens?
A: The day reopens.
Section 14 – Vacation
Q: Does vacation count towards the 960 PTO?
A: Yes.
Section 16 – Sick Leave and On the Job Injury
Q: When making up the time is it based on the PBS award?
A: Yes. When you call in sick your sick leave bank will be reduced by the amount of sick leave based on your PBS award. If participating in reserve sick leave make up you will be restoring your sick leave bank.
Q: If I am coordinating a leave with my sick leave am I able to make that up using sick leave make up?
A: No. You would only be able to make up sick leave when related to a sick call.
Section 21 – Compensation
Q: Is the signing bonus paid as income or a bonus separate check?
A: It is paid as a bonus on a separate check on December 22nd.
Q: When is the QPP paid?
A: If calendar quarter Jan/Feb/Mar, will be paid on May 5th. We confirmed this with management. Even if you do not receive a 5th advance check you will receive this payout on the 5th.
Section 22 – Expenses
Q: Is there a $0.05 increase year over year?
A: No. $2.50 is the new rate, no down line increases on per diem.
Section 23 – Insurance
No Questions
Section 27 – General Association
NO Questions
Section 32 – Attendance Policy
Q: If I take a leave today does that preclude me from receiving record improvement?
A: In the current practice it does preclude you, however under TA2 you are no longer precluded.
Q: Why is LAX saying 4k is bad for my base?
A: The LAX base flying in the future is part of their concern, no guarantee this will help or hurt their pairings. The flying in LAX is currently not attractive to many based on duty time and route structure. SAN opened and beginning to grow. They are not closing or downsizing LAX at this time, which was confirmed by executive management. Flying can always change and there are no guarantees for any base of what the flying will look like in the future. The fear of the unknown and change is always hard.
Q: For the months until the minimum pay rules are automated are we able to submit activity claim forms?
A: Only for the sit time, until May 2015.
Q: Are you limited to only one 2 hour sit per duty period for the sit time minimum pay rule?
A: No. Each sit is independent.
Q: Will there be a pamphlet of what will be implemented and when?
A: There is the implementation LOA. We will provide supplementary information if TA2 passes.
Q: I understand we have minimum requirements to receive specific benefits, however is there maximum limitations such as line building and flying?
A: Under TA2 PBS line awards average 75-85 TFP, plus or minus 10 TFP, so it could range anywhere from 65 – 95 TFP based on base line average. There is still the 118.2 TFP maximum that Crew Scheduling cannot force you to fly above. There is no monthly minimum or maximum. There is no requirement to work to maintain your job, however there is a requirement to work to receive specific provisions and benefits.
Michele Bonafede says
I totally support TA2 but was posed with a question (or comment) about NMB and future meetings if this TA is voted down. If this TA is voted down are we required to meet with the National Mediation Board for TA3? Or is it up to the company and the union to agree to meet without them?
Thanks for clarification!
Jake Jones (SEA LEC Vice President/Negotiating Committee Member) says
Hi Michele,
If the TA is voted down and a subsequent TA3 is required the company and union could mutually agree to meet without the NMB. Both parties would have to agree to meet without the mediator. You may remember the union filed for mediation for a variety of reasons to help facilitate the discussions. It ultimately will depend on each parties willingness to meet, but in order to go through the process of the RLA you need to be in mediation with the mediator.
Karen says
Why is it going to take until May (5 months) for the minimum pay rules to be established? That is quite a long time and we should be able to at least put in an activity claim form for all TA2 passed minimum pay rules until then. Why is management only selecting the sit time for an activity claim form? I know they have the means and the way to implement this. Really?
Christina Frees (Negotiating Committee Member) says
The minimum pay rules will be automated no later then May 1st. However, the current IT estimate is late March to early April. You can submit an activity claim form for sit pay. When it comes to the means and ability, an outside vendor is being used because of a complete program overhaul company wide that has been planned for since before TA1. It is beyond their control to get this done sooner as it requires a specific amount of IT hours. They have offered to pay more and have been told that if it was possible any earlier it will be done sooner however the hours are what they are. AFA has been included in these phone calls with the IT vendor for transparency. Management will not have the ability to use the 4k and 15 min debrief option to build pairings, until minimum pay rules are automated, so there is a natural incentive to them to get it done as soon as possible as this is the only productivity piece they are achieving in TA2 should it ratify.
Suky Visocky says
Is the 480 tfp going to be prorated for the first 12 months? Wondering for those who do not meet that at this time since we didn’t know to plan for it.
Lisa Pinkston (ANC LEC Vice President/Negotiating Committee Member) says
The 2014 accruals are for 2015 benefits and will not change because of the limited amount of time. However, in 2015 your accrual requirements will change for 2016 benefits.