Weekly Update
The Negotiating Committee will be sending out a weekly update to let everyone have the opportunity to know and review the information and questions we are answering via the Negotiations blog. You will find the daily posts linked below.
Search the blog using keywords
You can search in the blog using keywords to find answers to specific questions about the provisions being discussed. We are increasing the content on a daily basis as we turn your questions into posts for all Flight Attendants to access. The Negotiating Committee anticipates the release of the full text language in the next few days and we know this will bring even more questions.
“Q&A,” “Get the facts” and “Did you know?”
We are using the format of “Q&A,” “Get the facts” and “Did you know?” to give you valuable information in a variety of formats to make an informed decision. We wish you happy reading and keep the questions coming! You can reach the committee on the Negotiations blog, via the Negotiations feedback form or email at negotiations@afaalaska.org.
Nov 8th-
LEC Presidents’ Perspective & Voting Record Regarding TA2
Nov 9th-
Q&A: Please explain the Long Stage Length Duty Period “4k” pairing
Nov 10th-
Q&A: Can a management flier come onboard and replace me on a pairing?
Get the Facts – Productivity Premium
Nov 11th-
Q&A: How is my 480 credit impacted by the Minimum Pay Rules?
Q&A: Doesn’t the provision stating that only those on duty can be JA’d turn us all into reserves?
Q&A: How does the rolling 12-month “look-back” work for the 480 TFP calculations?
Q&A: How come vacation pay did not improve?
Nov 12th-
Q&A: Does the Longevity Premium replace the Profitability Bonus (commonly called the COLA)?
Q&A: Where am I able to locate a link to the Hart Survey Summary?
Nov 13th-
AFA – Alaska Airlines Flight Attendant Mediation: Costs associated with TA2
Q&A: Why are the signing bonus amounts different?
Nov 14th-
Q&A: What did we give up to achieve that provision?
Q&A: Why is the Longevity Premium not paid on vacation or sick leave?
TA2 Provision Comparison Chart
Negotiating Committee Redirecting back to the Negotiations Blog
In solidarity,
Your Negotiating Committee—MEC President Jeffrey Peterson, Kristy Stratton, Lisa Pinkston, Jake Jones, Christina Frees and AFA Senior Staff Negotiator Paula Mastrangelo