Newly elected Council 19 Seattle and Council 39 Portland Local Executive Council (LEC) officers began their term of office on July 1, 2017. Nominations and elections for these positions were held this spring. These officers will serve a three-year term from July 1, 2017, through June 30, 2020, consistent with AFA Election Category II.
Council 19 Seattle
Incoming Council 19 SEA LEC officers are President Terry Taylor, Vice President Jake Jones, Secretary Adam Clarey, Council Representative Megan Brown and Council Representative Melinda Jorge. Congratulations to Jake Jones for reelection to the office of LEC vice president and to former Council Representative Adam Clarey for election to the office of LEC secretary. Biographies for each can be found on the Council 19 officers page at
The MEC recognizes outgoing LEC President Laura Masserant, Secretary Linda Christou and Council Representative Stephanie Adams for their work and dedication in their previous roles. Linda Christou continues to serve as Master Executive Council (MEC) secretary-treasurer and Stephanie Adams continues to serve as MEC Grievance Committee chairperson.
Council 39 Portland
Incoming Council 39 PDX LEC officers are President Mario de’Medici, Vice President Krystle Berry and Secretary Alan Sousa. Biographies for each officer can be found on the Council 39 officers page at
The MEC recognizes outgoing LEC President Cathy Gwynn, Vice President Steven Maller and Secretary Bob Moore for their work and dedication in their previous roles. Bob Moore continues to serve as MEC Uniform Committee chairperson.
In Solidarity,
Your MEC – Jeffrey Peterson, Brian Palmer, Linda Christou, Lisa Pinkston, Terry Taylor, Mario de’Medici, Melissa Osborne, Tim Green and Brice McGee